[Event "Round 9 Jack, Mizzi 1913 - Nicholas Arvin 1744 1-0: Round 10 IM Rodgaard, John (2324) - Vella, Duncan (1985) 1/2-1/2"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/eeTtASt1/3Cgz7E5W"] [Result "*"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "B36"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Accelerated Dragon, Maróczy Bind"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/ChessOlympiad2023"] [UTCDate "2023.02.05"] [UTCTime "20:42:39"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/eeTtASt1/3Cgz7E5W"] [Orientation "white"] 1. Nf3 c5 2. c4 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 g6 5. e4 Nf6 6. Nc3 d6 7. Be2 Nxd4 8. Qxd4 Bg7 9. Be3 O-O 10. Qd2 a5 11. f3 a4 12. O-O Qa5 13. Rab1 Be6 14. Rfc1 Rfc8 { This game was played on the theoratical mainline until this moment. 15. b3 or b4 are the best moves here but black equlize anyway. } 15. Nb5?! (15. b4 axb3 16. axb3 Qb4 $10) 15... Qxd2 16. Bxd2 Nd7 17. Be3 Nc5 (17... Ne5 18. b3 axb3 19. axb3 Nc6 $15 { Black will blow up the centre with f5 move and after that white will have weaknesses only. } { [%cal Gf7f5] }) 18. Nd4 Bd7 19. Kf1 Ne6 (19... Be5 20. Kg1 h5 $15) 20. Nc2 Nc5 21. Nb4 a3 (21... Kf8 $10) 22. b3 Bb2 (22... Be6 23. Nd5 Bxd5 24. exd5 $14) 23. Rd1 (23. Nd5! Re8 (23... Bxc1 24. Rxc1 Re8 25. e5 $16) 24. Rd1 Rab8 25. Bg5 $16) 23... Be6 24. Nd5 (24. Bd4 Bxd4 25. Rxd4 Na6 26. Nxa6 Rxa6 27. f4 $14) 24... Bxd5 25. exd5 Na6 26. Bd2 Kf8 27. Be1 Nc5 28. Rd2 Ra6 29. Rc2 Nd7 30. Bd3 Raa8 31. Ke2 Ne5 32. f4 Nd7 33. b4 b5 (33... f5 34. Bc3 Bxc3 35. Rxc3 Nf6 36. Kd2 $14) 34. cxb5 Nb6 35. Rxc8+ (35. Rc6 Nxd5 36. Bd2 $16) 35... Rxc8 36. Be4 (36. Bd2 $10) 36... Rc4 37. Bf3 Rxf4 38. Rd1 (38. Kd3 $10) 38... Na4 (38... Rc4 $17) 39. Rd3 (39. Kd3 $16) 39... Rc4 40. Bd2 Bc3 41. b6 (41. Ke3 $10) 41... Bxd2 42. b7 Rxb4 43. Rb3 Rxb7 (43... Rxb3! { Black did very well against the much stronger opponent. Rxb3 could cause trouble for white to secure the half point. } 44. axb3 Bc3 45. b8=Q+ Kg7 46. Qb5 a2 47. Qxa4 a1=Q 48. Qxa1 Bxa1 49. Kd3 e6 50. dxe6 (50. b4?? { [%csl Gb4] } 50... e5 $17) 50... fxe6 51. Kc4 Kf6 52. Kb5 Bc3 $15) 44. Rxb7 Bc1 45. Rb8+ Kg7 46. Kd3 Bb2 47. Bd1 Nc5+ 48. Kc4 Kf6 49. Re8 { 1/2-1/2 } *