[Event "ch-USA 2022"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/study/dfRDZs7P/a6d132kd"]
[Date "2022.10.09"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Liang, Awonder"]
[Black "Aronian, Levon"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2608"]
[BlackElo "2755"]
[TimeControl "5400+30"]
[Annotator "Shlyakhtenko,Robert"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[ECO "C44"]
[Opening "Scotch Game: Cochrane-Shumov Defense"]
[StudyName "2022 U.S. Championships"]
[ChapterName "Liang, Awonder - Aronian, Levon"]
[Source "https://lichess.org/study/dfRDZs7P/a6d132kd"]
[Orientation "white"]
{ [%evp 0,63,19,29,30,8,33,21,18,-24,40,-10,-17,-28,-45,-52,-52,-52,-59,-56,-42,
751,748,780,1161,1167] }
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Bc4 Bc5 5. Ng5!? { This line is rarely played these days. } 5... Nh6 6. Nxf7 Nxf7 7. Bxf7+ Kxf7 8. Qh5+ g6 9. Qxc5 d5 10. c3!? (10. exd5? { I was interested to learn that this
position had been debated 135 years ago by two ancestors of modern-day GM
Jorden van Foreest! In that game, Black swiftly gained a decisive advantage: } 10... Re8+ 11. Kd1 Re5 12. Bd2 Rxd5 13. Qc4 Be6 14. Qd3 Qd7 { and Black's
centralization was impressive, 0-1 (28) Van Foreest,A-Van Foreest,D Amsterdam
1887 }) (10. O-O dxe4 11. c3 { is the usual move order. As far as I can see, it
makes little difference. }) 10... dxe4 11. O-O Re8 (11... Qd6 { is the usual
recipe. Play usually continues: } 12. cxd4 Nxd4 13. Qxd6 cxd6 14. Nc3 Bg4 15. Nxe4 Nc2 { and Black wins the Exchange, but White gains dangerous compensation.
1-0 (43) Grischuk,A (2766)-Dominguez Perez,L (2739) Saint Louis 2018 }) 12. cxd4 Qxd4 13. Qg5 Nb4? { A serious mistake. } (13... Bf5! { looks like the best
reaction, and now after } 14. Nc3 (14. Bd2 Ne5 15. Bc3 Qd6 16. Qh6 { was tested
in an 1853 (!) game of two strong Russian players, Shumov and Urusov. Black
should continue } 16... g5! { with advantage, since } 17. Qxg5? { loses to } 17... Nf3+! 18. gxf3 Rg8) 14... Nb4! { White lacks the opportunities he had in the game. }) 14. Bd2! { Now White's bishop threatens to come unopposed to c3, forcing
Black to lose even more precious time. } 14... Qd6 (14... Kg8 15. Bc3 Qd6 { was
relatively better -- again trying to limit White's options. }) 15. Nc3! { Changing tack -- now White's development advantage is clear. A rare opening
disaster for Aronian. } 15... c6 (15... Qf6 16. Qg3 { does not help. }) 16. Rad1 Bf5 17. g4! { Preparing to open lines on the kingside. } 17... h6 { Already a sign of
desperation. } (17... Bd7 18. f3 exf3 19. Nb5!! cxb5 20. Bc3 Qb6+ 21. Kh1 { is one attractive line. White's attack is decisive. }) 18. Qh4 Bc8 (18... g5 19. Qg3! Qxg3+ 20. fxg3 { wins a piece. }) 19. Bxh6 Nd3 20. Bg5 Qe5 21. f3! { Not fearing any ghosts, White continues to fastidiously open lines towards the
enemy king. } 21... Rh8 22. fxe4+ Kg8 (22... Ke8 23. Rxd3! { is White's big point. }) 23. Bh6 Qd4+ 24. Kh1 Be6 25. Qg5 Bf7 { Black seems to be holding on for the
moment, but Liang finished the game with a series of sacrifices: } 26. Rxf7! Rxh6 (26... Kxf7 27. Rf1+ Nf2+ 28. Kg2 { leaves Black defenseless. }) 27. Rxd3! Qxd3 28. Qf6 { Very elegant. Black's queen has five legal checks -- and all of
them are covered. It's over. } 28... Rxh2+ 29. Kxh2 Qd2+ 30. Kg1 Qc1+ 31. Kf2 Qh6 32. g5 { 1-0 White wins. } 1-0