Vjekoslav Nemec(2220)
Arthur De Winter(2368)
[#] In this game, I faced a young Dutch FM, 13 years of age and rated 2368. It is a bit curious, given that I played on the board next to him somewhere in April/ May 2022 and then he was around 2050-2100 rating, yet in the meantime he turned himself in one of the brightest young talents out there. --- In my preparation, I saw that he likes sharp, tactical and aggressive style and I tried to steer the game in a different direction from the very start.13....Nd5Here I started drifting. I can't reasonably explain why I played this move. I guess I was trying to prevent some aggressive ideas with castling long.13...O-OI was considering, but after14.O-O-OI was uncomfortable as I wasn't sure where to put my queen (since Bg3 will happen if I put it on c7, e.g.)Qc715.Bg3Qb6Is given by engine as dead equal and playable - we have a game.13...Qb6I was also contemplating, but I wasn't 100% happy I am leaving my bishop on d7 unprotected, e.g.14.O-O-OO-OAlthough I am not 100% sure if there is a good way for White to exploit it, e. g.15.Bxf6(15.g4Or something along those lines looks scary, but game continuesRfd816.Rhg1(16.g5Nd5)Ba4(16...g5!?))Bxf616.Bh7+Kxh717.Rxd7Rad8Doesn't seem that terrible. Lesson - calculate and evaluate more concretely instead of playing on feeling.(17...Qc6Is actually pointed out as kinga winning for Black by the stockfish.)14.Bg3Bg5I felt this is wrong - lack of understanding/experience with the position? However, I wasn't sure about having the knight on d5 and just castling as I envisioned some c4 problems. I guess the only good thing about this move is that it left him a bit surprised.14...O-OI guess I should castle for better or for worse here.14...Qb6Is also not that horrible here, I think.1-0