[Event "U.S. Junior Championship"] [Site "lichess.org"] [Date "2022.07.11"] [Round "4"] [White "Hong, Andrew"] [Black "Yoo, Christopher"] [Result "0-1"] [Annotator "Nkululeko,Nkosi"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "C11"] [Opening "French Defense: Steinitz Variation, Boleslavsky Variation"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/cfnNS6tI/Ofbz9URH"] [Orientation "white"] { [%evp 0,116,19,38,43,36,40,43,54,50,36,-21,-6,20,20,34,35,30,31,28,25,19,27, 26,21,8,19,24,6,12,28,31,11,26,26,1,3,-18,-30,0,-24,0,17,-2,-6,-16,-1,-42,-34, -73,-47,-35,51,-38,27,30,19,19,46,0,31,-32,-41,-32,-41,-41,3,-33,-39,-10,-65, -41,-49,0,-6,0,0,-23,-72,-79,-141,-229,-309,-242,-192,-307,-298,-346,-323,-244, -263,-303,-397,-385,-583,-668,-764,-764,-588,-588,-594,-908,-608,-689,-838, -1046,-1126,-1227,-1522,-29977,-29978,-29979,-29980,-29981,-29984,-29985, -29986,-29997,-29998] } 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. Nf3 Nc6 7. Be3 Be7 8. Qd2 a6 9. a3 O-O 10. Rd1 { A new move, although transpositions soon take them back to theory. } 10... Qc7 11. dxc5 Nxc5 12. Be2 b5 13. O-O Bb7 14. Qe1 Ne4 15. Nxe4 dxe4 16. Nd2 Nb8?! (16... Rfd8 17. c3 { and only now } 17... Nb8) 17. Rc1 Nd7 18. c4 b4 19. c5 bxa3 20. bxa3 Bd5 21. Qf2 Qc6 22. Rc3 Rab8 23. Rfc1 f6 24. Qg3 Rb2 25. Bd1 Rd8? { Now was the time to dismantle White's central pawns while they are vulnerable!... } (25... fxe5! 26. fxe5 Rf5 27. Nc4 Bxc4 28. Rxc4 Nxe5 29. Ba4 $17) 26. h3 f5 27. Nc4 Bxc4 { Would anyone really want the infamous "Octopus" Knight on d6?? } 28. Rxc4 Nf8 29. Qe1? { Giving Black the chance for dynamic counterplay. } (29. Rb4 { This would've practically forced Black to connect White's pawns on the Queenside! }) 29... g5! 30. Qc3 Rbb8 31. fxg5 Rd3! { A beautiful severing. Black's e- and f- pawns are almost ready to march forward and induce weaknesses on the kingside! } 32. Qe1 Ng6 33. R4c3 { Despite the strong (or weak depending on what side of the board you're on!) c5-pawn, White's position is really shaky, and things could easily go wrong. For example: } (33. Ba4?! Qc7 34. Bc2 Rxa3) (33. R1c3?! Rxc3 34. Qxc3 Rb1 35. Qc2 Ra1) 33... Rxc3 34. Qxc3 f4 35. Bd4 Bxg5 36. Qc4 f3 37. Ba4 Qc8 38. Rf1?? { Hong loses control with two minutes left on the clock and still needing two accurate moves to make time control. } (38. Re1? Nf4!) (38. Rd1 { is relatively best, although Black is still much better. }) 38... Nh4?? { Yoo lets Hong off the hook! I think it's natural to want a knight to be able to acces the f3-square near the king, but the f4-square was a much better perch: } (38... Nf4! 39. Bd1 Qe8 40. Bxf3 exf3 41. Rxf3 { and Black has a few nice choices here. }) 39. gxf3?? { Returning the favor. } (39. Bf2 { could save the game after something like } 39... fxg2 40. Rd1 Nf3+ 41. Kxg2 e3 42. Bxe3 Bxe3 43. Kxf3 Bxc5 44. Rd7 Qf8+ 45. Qf4 Bxa3) 39... Nxf3+ 40. Kg2?! (40. Rxf3 { is also possible, but the pawn remains a thorn in the eye. } 40... exf3 41. Bb3 Kg7 42. Qxe6) 40... Nd2 41. Qe2 Nxf1 42. Qg4 Rb7 43. Kxf1 Qd8 44. Bf2 e3 45. Be1 Qd3+ 46. Kg2 Qd5+ 47. Kf1 e2+ 48. Kf2 Qxc5+ 49. Kg2 Qd5+ 50. Kf2 Qxe5 51. Be8 Rg7 52. Qxe2 Qh2+ 53. Kf3 Qxh3+ 54. Ke4?! Qf5+ 55. Kd4 Qd5+ 56. Kc3 Bf6+ 57. Kc2 Rc7+ 58. Kb1 Qb3+ { The King knew its fate on its walk to b1. } 0-1