Eswaran, Ashritha(2273)
Paikidze, Nazi(2316)
1.d4Nf62.c4e63.g3d54.Nf3h6!?An early surprise from Eswaran. The direct motif behind this pawn push isn't that clear, because White usually doesn't usually play Bc1-g5 against the traditional Catalan structures, but perhaps it was an attempt to leave theory quickly.5.Bg2Bd66.Nc3Nc6An interesting setup of the pieces, which justifies the ...h7-h6 move. Bc1-g5 is unplayable, and Black's pieces are more actively placed to support ...d5xc4.7.O-OO-O8.Nb5...8.b3!The c4-pawn needed to be supported.Re89.Bb2dxc410.bxc4e58....dxc4!An instant equalizer from Eswaran. Paikidze seizes the bishop pair, but Black eventually gains control of the crucial long diagonal.9.Qc2a610.Nxd6cxd611.Qxc4Bd712.Bd2Ne713.a4Bc614.Qd3Be415.Qa3Qd716.Bb4Nf517.Rfd1Rfd818.Rac1Rac819.Bc3b520.axb5Qxb5?!20...axb5!Recapturing with the pawn was stronger because it better blunts the light-squared bishop and leaves options of ...b5-b4 open. The c3-bishop is a big disadvantage for the first player.21.Bf1!Qd721...Rc4!is a move no human would play! Self-pinning looks very unnatural, but it's tactically sound and Black gets good play following ...Rc4-a4.22.Nd2Ra423.Qb3Qxb324.Nxb3Rc822.Nd2±Bb723.Ba5Rxc124.Rxc1Rc825.Rxc8+Qxc826.Qc3Qd727.e3Qa428.b3...28.Qc7!Puts the a6-pawn and b7-bishop in great danger. A sample line goes:g529.Bc3Qd730.Qxd7Nxd731.Bb4±whereupon the bishop pair gives a close-to-decisive advantage.28....Qa229.Qc7Bd530.g4!?...A daring pawn thrust by the first player which turns a likely draw into a three result game.30....Nxg430...Nh4!was much safer for the second player, but the piece-for-pawns sacrifice is hard to resist.31.h3Nf3+32.Nxf3Bxf331.e4Nxd4?31...Bxe4!The razor-sharp position is incredibly difficult to calculate, but taking with the bishop was slightly more precise than with the knight.32.Nxe4Nxd433.Bd3Ne2+34.Kf1Nxh2+35.Ke1Nf3+White is faced with a "knightmare," but stays safe by a single thread.32.exd5!Nf3+33.Kg2Nxd234.Bd3!f534...Ne4!?This leads to a long, forcing line with an extra pawn for White. Eswaran likely saw this and wanted to avoid the losing queen ending.35.Qc8+Kh736.Bxe4+f537.Bxf5+exf538.Qxf5+Kg839.Qxg4Qxa540.Qe6+Kh741.Qxd635.dxe6Ne3+The second player rips open the cover, but Paikidze demonstrates incredible precision to navigate the deadly queen-and-knight duo.36.fxe3Ne4+37.Bc2Kh738.e7Nc539.e8=Q...A second queen appears for Paikidze, but she is not out of the woods yet.39....Qxc2+40.Kh3!Qd341.Kh4!+−...In a humorous moment, Black runs out of checks against a wide open king!41....Qc242.Qxd6f443.Qd2Qf544.exf4Ne445.Qxe4!...A great move which seals the deal. White sacrifices one of the queens back to neutralize the mean mating threat of ...g7-g5+. Now, it's a simple endgame with an extra piece, and Paikidze converts.45.Qe3??A careless move such as this one would lead to checkmateg5+46.fxg5hxg5+47.Kh5Nf6#45....Qxe446.Kg3Qg6+47.Kf2Qh548.Ke1Qf349.Bc3Qh1+50.Ke2Qxh2+51.Kd1Qh1+52.Kc2Qc653.Qd3+Kh854.Kb2Qe655.f5Qb656.Qg3Qa757.f6gxf658.Bxf6+Kh759.Qd3+1-0 White wins.1-0