[Event "U.S. Championships"] [Site "St Louis"] [Date "2023.10.07"] [Round "2"] [White "Mishra, Abhimanyu"] [Black "Tang, Andrew"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2592"] [BlackElo "2496"] [Annotator "IM Sandeep Sethuraman"] [Variant "From Position"] [ECO "?"] [Opening "?"] [FEN "r4r1k/1pp3pp/p2p4/P3b3/Bn1BP3/7P/1PP2PK1/3RR3 b - - 0 23"] [SetUp "1"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/b0nfXV2i/M87CIchn"] [Orientation "white"] 23... Rad8? { One slip is all it takes for the best players in the country to break down a position. } (23... Bf4! 24. e5 Rf5! { The passer looks dangerous, but it's the lesser evil, as } 25. e6 Nc6 26. Rd3 Ne7 { would have offered fair drawing chances. }) 24. Re3!? { A clumsy looking move, but the rook has a purpose here, and in the game it plays out beautifully. } (24. Bxe5! { was even stronger: } 24... dxe5 25. f4 exf4 26. e5! { was very strong with the passed pawns }) 24... c5?? { A logical move, but it's based on a tactical oversight! } 25. Bxe5 dxe5 { It looks like Black has established a successful dark-squared blockade, but Mishra has a trick up his sleeve. } 26. Rf3! { The point of the rook lift is made clear. Black's rooks are in an impossible position, and one of White's will infiltrate. The game is effectively over. } 26... Rg8 27. Rxd8 Rxd8 28. Rf5 { The pawn is indefensible. } 28... g6 29. Rxe5 Rc8 30. Re7 Nc6 31. Bxc6 bxc6 { With the pawns ruined, Tang has no chance at righting the ship. } 32. Ra7 Rb8 33. b3 { The pawn is falling and with it the game. } 1-0