Georg Meier is a very solid player with a very sound positional style, so it
is not surprising that the Catalan is his main weapon with the White pieces.
In this game, he has obtained a very good position and is currently
threatening the advance of the central pawn. Black already has only one way of
staying in the game.17....Bc5But this is not it! This move
simply blunders a pawn for not much compensation.17...Rad8This deep and
typical computer move was the only way to stay in the game, as it prepares
some tactics.18.e5Nxe5!It is not shocking that Leon didn't find
anything like this.19.Rxe5Qb7And now the position
is quite complex due to the nasty pin on the d-file and the threat of Rxd4 and
Bc5. White is still somewhat better, but Black is very much in the game.18.e5...The knight is kicked away and the
pawn on c6 falls!18....Ng419.Bxc6Rac820.Bd5Meier went on to convert his advantage
with the help of a very nice queen pseudo-sacrifice!1-0