Robson, Ray(2702)
Shuvalova, Polina(2498)
In this complex and strange-looking position, White is struggling to find a convincing compensation for the pawn. Polina decided to grab the pawn on c3, but it turned out to be a decisive mistake.25.Rxc3...25.Qe3A move like this, adding some control over the e5 square, was necessary, but it is not easy for a human to put the queen on the same file where the rook on e8 is resiidng.25.Ne5Was also probably safer than what happened in the game, although afterBe426.Qe2Bxb127.Rxb1Nd5White's initiative is dwindling and Polina would have to face an uphill struggle for a draw here.25....e5A simple move, threatening a deadly fork on e4. White was forced to give up a piece for not much compensation, and Robson had no trouble converting the game and scoring a point for the Unicorns.0-1