[Event "Berlin"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/a9SCVXXG/K0TTE710"] [Date "1923.??.??"] [White "Alekhine, Alexander"] [Black "Samisch, Friedrich"] [Result "1-0"] [Annotator "Kryvoruchko Vita"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "B30"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Old Sicilian"] [StudyName "Vitachesscom's Study"] [ChapterName "Alekhine, Alexander - Samisch, Friedrich"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/a9SCVXXG/K0TTE710"] [Orientation "white"] { This game, which took place between two of the greatest blindfold players,has been called "Alekhines's most brilliant game."Alekhine once played 32 good players simultaneously blindfold in Chicago in 1933 with a score of +19,-4,=9. In modern world record conditions Flesch has played 62 players simultaneously blindfold. } 1. e4 { Sicilian Defense } 1... c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Be2 (3. d4!? { is the main line in this opening }) 3... e6 4. O-O d6 5. d4 cxd4 6. Nxd4 Nf6 7. Bf3? { the main idea for White to push the pawn f4 and bishop blocked this pawn. } (7. Nc3!? $14 { is better }) 7... Ne5 8. c4 { What is the best move for Black? } 8... Nxf3+ (8... Nxc4?? { Can Black capture this pawn? } 9. Qa4+ $18) 9. Qxf3 Be7 10. Nc3 O-O 11. b3 Nd7 (11... a6!? { is a typical idea of middlegame with idea to stop Nb5 }) 12. Bb2 Bf6 13. Rad1 a6 14. Qg3 Qc7 15. Kh1 Rd8 16. f4 b6 17. f5 Be5 18. fxe6 Bxg3 19. exf7+ Kh8 20. Nd5 { Black resign } 20... Qb8 (20... Qa7 21. Nc6 $18) (20... Qb7 21. Ne6 $18) 21. hxg3 Rf8 22. Ne6 Ne5 23. Nxf8 $18 { 1-0 Black resigns. } 1-0