[Event "Olympiad: Round 1 CM Darmanin, Jake 2101 - GM Ivic, Velimir 2581 0 - 1"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/study/Y7Qw8PdK/1Hds0kyB"]
[Result "*"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[ECO "B22"]
[Opening "Sicilian Defense: Alapin Variation"]
[Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/AIM_GOPIMScMBA_Raper"]
[UTCDate "2022.08.20"]
[UTCTime "12:44:10"]
[Source "https://lichess.org/study/Y7Qw8PdK/1Hds0kyB"]
[Orientation "white"]
1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 3. exd5 Nf6?! (3... Qxd5 { Main line is better to equalize }) 4. d4 (4. Bb5+ Bd7 (4... Nbd7 5. d4 a6 6. Be2 Nxd5 7. Nf3 e6 8. c4 N5f6 9. Nc3) 5. Bxd7+ Qxd7 6. c4 e6 7. Qe2 Be7 8. dxe6 fxe6 9. Nf3 { White is a slightly better because black doesn't have enough compensation for the pawn. }) 4... cxd4 5. Bb5+ Bd7 6. Bxd7+ (6. Bc4 b5 7. Bb3 dxc3 8. Nxc3 { This variation is slightly better for white because d5 pawn causing issue in black development }) 6... Qxd7?! 7. Qxd4 (7. Nf3 Nxd5 8. Nxd4 $10) 7... Qxd5 (7... Nxd5 8. Ne2 Nc6 9. Qd1 O-O-O $19) 8. Qxd5 Nxd5 9. Nf3 Nc6 10. O-O (10. Ke2 { if no queens on the board then King has better position near to the centre }) 10... e5 (10... g6 11. Nbd2 Bg7) 11. Nbd2 (11. c4 Ndb4 12. Nc3 O-O-O $10) 11... O-O-O (11... f6 12. Nc4 Kf7) 12. Nc4 f6 { Black is slightly better because he is dominating the centrum. } 13. a4 e4 (13... Be7 14. h4 Kd7 15. a5 Ke6) 14. Nfd2 f5 15. Nb3 Be7 16. f3 exf3 17. Rxf3 g6 18. Bd2 Rhe8 19. Re1 Nf6 20. Be3 (20. Bf4 Ne4 21. g4 fxg4 22. Rfe3 Nf6 23. Bg5 Nd5 24. Re4 $10) 20... Bf8 21. Rff1 Re4 22. Nbd2 { Rxd2 combination wins the game. } (22. Bg5 Rde8 23. Rxe4 Nxe4 24. Bf4 Nc5 25. Nxc5 Bxc5+ 26. Kh1 Re4) 22... Rxd2 $19 23. Nxd2 Rxe3 24. Rxe3 Bc5 25. Nc4 Ng4 26. h3 (26. Re1 Nxe3 27. Nxe3 f4 $19) 26... Nxe3 27. Nxe3 Bxe3+ 28. Kh1 Kd7 29. Rd1+ Ke6 30. b4 a6 31. b5 axb5 32. axb5 Ne5 33. Rd8 b6 34. g3 h5 35. Kg2 g5 (35... h4 36. gxh4 f4 $19) 36. Rh8 f4 37. gxf4 gxf4 38. Re8+ Kf5 39. Kf1 f3 40. Rf8+ Ke4 41. Rc8 Kd3 42. Re8 Nc4 { 0-1 } *