[Event "Pawn Promotions: Promoting to win"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/Y4H1Rmnd/iIULz66u"] [Result "*"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "?"] [Opening "?"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/xMIDASx"] [FEN "8/4P3/8/p7/8/7k/7p/7K w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [UTCDate "2019.01.09"] [UTCTime "13:59:01"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/Y4H1Rmnd/iIULz66u"] [Orientation "white"] { We are about to learn about the importance of pawn promotions in our chess games. Once we have reached the endgame of a chess match, files are clear and heavy pieces as well as minor pieces are usually captured and removed from the game. This allow for pawns to march to the other side and try to promote into a stronger piece to help win the game. In this position, there are pawns racing to the other side. But who will get there first? How will it impact the game? Take a minute to solve. } { [%csl Ge8][%cal Ge7e8] } 1. e8=Q (1. e8=N a4 2. Nd6 a3 3. Nc4 a2) (1. e8=R a4) (1. e8=B a4) 1... Kg3 (1... a4 { [%cal Ge8a4] } 2. Qf8 (2. Qg8 a3 3. Qf8 a2 4. Qe8 a1=N) (2. Qxa4) (2. Qd7+) (2. Qe7 a3 3. Qe5 a2 4. Qe4 a1=B) 2... a3 3. Qe8 (3. Qg8 a2 4. Qf8 a1=N) 3... a2 4. Qf8 (4. Qd8 a1=B) 4... a1=N) (1... Kg4 2. Qh5+ Kxh5) 2. Qe5+ { [%cal Re5a5,Re5h2] } 2... Kh3 3. Qxh2+ Kg4 4. Qe2+ Kf4 5. Qb5 a4 6. Qxa4+ *