[Event "The Fried Liver Attack Guide: Chapter 1 - Opening Position"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/XtFCFYlM/GCUTf2Jk"] [Result "*"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "C57"] [Opening "Italian Game: Two Knights Defense, Fried Liver Attack"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/thibault"] [StudyName "The Fried Liver Attack Guide"] [ChapterName "Chapter 1 - Opening Position"] [UTCDate "2016.10.21"] [UTCTime "12:27:27"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/XtFCFYlM/GCUTf2Jk"] [Orientation "white"] { This lesson is about the "Fried Liver Attack" which, in my opinion, is a must-learn for all chess enthusiasts. Before any move is made, its important to point out the main idea behind this attacking plan. Please make a mental note that the f2 square is only defended by the White King and the f7 square is only defended by the Black King. These are weak points within each camp, and this concept forms the basis of the Fried Liver Attack. Now, onto the lesson... } { [%csl Gf2,Gf7][%cal Ge1f2,Ge8f7] } 1. e4 { A classic opening move that stakes a claim in the center. To quote Bobby Fischer "e4 is best by test.". } { [%csl Gd5,Gf5][%cal Ge4d5,Ge4f5] } 1... e5 { Black responds in classical fashion. This is one of the most common openings at every level from novice to World Champion. } { [%csl Gd4,Gf4][%cal Ge5d4,Ge5f4] } 2. Nf3 { This move develops a Knight and attacks the e5 pawn. There are many different responses Black can choose from, however in this lesson we will only be focusing on the classical mainline. A few other options are included below for reference. } { [%csl Ge5][%cal Gf3e5] } 2... Nc6 { The classical response. Black defends the e5 pawn and develops a Knight. White has several options available; references below. } { [%csl Ge5][%cal Gf3e5,Gc6e5] } (2... d6 { Philidors Defense }) (2... Nf6 { Petrovs Defense or Russian Game }) (2... d5 { Elephant Gambit }) (2... f5 { Latvian Gambit }) 3. Bc4 { The "Italian Game". White develops the light-square Bishop, which aims through the center at the f7 square. Also, White is now prepared to castle at a moments notice. } { [%csl Gf7][%cal Gc4f7,Ge1g1] } (3. Bb5 { Ruy Lopez or Spanish Game }) (3. d4 { Scotch Game }) (3. Nc3 { 3 Knights Opening }) (3. c3 { Ponziani Opening }) 3... Nf6 $10 { The "Two Knights Defense". Black makes a natural, developing move which threatens the e4 pawn. } { [%csl Ge4][%cal Gf6e4] } (3... Bc5 { Giuoco Piano. }) (3... h6 { The "Anti-Fried Liver Defense", which will be covered in a different chapter }) 4. Ng5 { White invades the enemy position by placing a Knight on g5 which double-attacks the weak f7 square. Remember your mental note from the introduction? } { [%csl Gf7][%cal Gg5f7,Gc4f7] } (4. d3 { is another fine move which protects the e4 pawn and leads to complicated middlegames. } { [%csl Ge4][%cal Gd3e4] }) 4... d5 { This is the only logical move. Black blocks White from further invasion on the f7 square by forking the White pawn and Bishop. } { [%csl Gc4,Ge4][%cal Gd5c4,Gd5e4] } (4... h6 5. Nxf7 Qe7 6. Nxh8 $16) (4... Qe7 5. Bxf7+ Kd8 6. Bb3 $16 { [%csl Gf7][%cal Gg5f7,Gf7d8,Gf7h8] }) (4... Na5 5. Bxf7+! Ke7 6. d4 $16) (4... Bc5 { the "Traxler Counter Gambit", which is an interesting reply that we will go over in a later chapter. }) 5. exd5 { White captures the d5 pawn and threatens to capture the c6 Knight. } { [%csl Gc6][%cal Gd5c6] } 5... Nxd5 { Not the best move, but a natural and common move that recaptures the pawn. Now, the shocking response... } (5... Na5 { the "Polerio Defense", which we will cover in a later chapter, is Blacks best response to this threat. }) 6. Nxf7 { This is the opening position which defines the "Fried Liver Attack.". Has White gone mad and sacrificed a Knight for nothing? Surely not, my friends. Continued in Chapter 2... } { [%csl Gf7][%cal Ge8f7] } *