[Event "🐘 elephant trap: Chapter 1"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/Xt60bU10/DnzDQIVe"] [Result "*"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "D51"] [Opening "Queen's Gambit Declined: Modern Variation, Knight Defense"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/sharath_dt"] [StudyName "🐘 elephant trap"] [ChapterName "Chapter 1"] [UTCDate "2020.07.20"] [UTCTime "05:34:14"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/Xt60bU10/DnzDQIVe"] [Orientation "white"] 1. d4 { Queen's Pawn opening } 1... d5 { [%csl Yd5][%cal Bd8d5] } 2. c4 { Queen's Gambit } { [%csl Yd5][%cal Gc4d5,Bd8d5] } 2... e6 { Queen's Gambit Declined, also common are 2....c6 and 2....dxc4. } { [%csl Yd5][%cal Gc4d5,Bd8d5,Be6d5] } 3. Nc3 { Now that the c pawn has moved, the knight develops behind it. } { [%csl Yd5][%cal Gc3d5,Gc4d5,Bd8d5,Be6d5] } 3... Nf6 { Develops a piece and defends the pawn again. } { [%csl Yd5][%cal Gc3d5,Gc4d5,Be6d5,Bf6d5,Bd8d5] } 4. Bg5 { Develops a piece and pins the knight. } { [%csl Yd5][%cal Gc3d5,Gc4d5,Bf6d5,Be6d5,Bd8d5,Gg5d8] } 4... Nbd7 { This develops a piece, but now the d5 pawn appears to be underprotected, as it is attacked twice and the f6 knight is pinned to the queen. } { [%csl Yd5][%cal Gc4d5,Gc3d5,Gg5d8,Bf6d5,Be6d5] } 5. cxd5 { This is still good, but white should not take with the knight next move. } { [%csl Yd5][%cal Gc3d5,Be6d5,Bf6d5,Gg5d8] } 5... exd5 { Recaptures the pawn, all moves up to this point are good, now Stockfish suggests 6.e3 for white, releasing the f1 bishop. } { [%csl Yd5][%cal Gg5d8,Bf6d5,Rc3d5,Ge2e3] } 6. Nxd5?? { The horrible blunder, this appears to be taking a loose pawn for nothing, but this move actually loses piece for pawn. } { [%csl Bb4,Re1,Rd2,Rd1,Rd5][%cal Gg5d8,Bf6d5,Bd5b4,Bf8b4,Bb4e1] } 6... Nxd5! { Black breaks the relative pin, and grabs the knight, but doesn't white win the queen? } { [%csl Rd1,Re1,Bb4,Gd8,Rd2][%cal Bd5b4,Bb4e1,Bf8b4,Gg5d8] } 7. Bxd8 { White wins the queen, but not for long... } { [%csl Rd1,Re1,Rd8,Bb4,Rd2][%cal Bd5b4,Bf8b4,Bb4e1] } 7... Bb4+! { The key move, white has only one way to block the check...with the queen. } { [%csl Rd1,Re1,Rd8,Rd2][%cal Bb4e1,Be8d8,Bd5b4] } 8. Qd2 $7 { Forced, as white has no other legal reply, now black can either take the queen with check immediately and take the bishop next move, or take the bishop first, as the queen is pinned and cannot escape anyway. In either case, 6.Nxd5 has cost white a piece for a pawn. } { [%csl Rd2,Re1,Rd8][%cal Be8d8,Bb4e1,Bd5b4] } 8... Kxd8 $19 { [%csl Rd2,Gf1,Gg1,Gd5,Gd7,Gc8,Re1,Rb4][%cal Bd5b4,Bb4e1] } (8... Bxd2+ { [%csl Rd8,Rd2][%cal Be8d8,Ge1d2] } 9. Kxd2 { [%csl Rd8][%cal Be8d8] } 9... Kxd8 $19 { [%csl Gd5,Gd7,Gc8,Gf1,Gg1] }) *