[Event "Rated Rapid game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/mpZ3SLIe"]
[Date "2021.01.29"]
[White "varun-krish"]
[Black "jbrere"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2335"]
[BlackElo "2328"]
[TimeControl "900+5"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[ECO "B32"]
[Opening "Sicilian Defense: Kalashnikov Variation"]
[Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/Giannatos"]
[StudyName "NACCL Round 2"]
[ChapterName "varun-krish - jbrere"]
[Source "https://lichess.org/study/XoPddZh2/7nsikfRj"]
[Orientation "white"]
1. e4 { On board 5 of round 3, FM Varun Krishnan (Lyft) played a nice game against Expert Justin Brereton of Susquehanna International Group. } { [%clk 0:15:00] } 1... c5 { [%clk 0:15:00] } 2. Nf3 { [%clk 0:15:02] } 2... Nc6 { [%clk 0:15:04] } 3. d4 { [%clk 0:15:06] } 3... cxd4 { [%clk 0:15:09] } 4. Nxd4 { [%clk 0:15:10] } 4... e5 { [%clk 0:15:13] } 5. Nb5 { [%clk 0:15:13] } 5... d6 { The Kalashnikov Sicilian! Not quite the Sveshnikov which is defined by 4...Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 and was re-popularized by Magnus Carlsen in his 2018 World Championship title defense against World #2 Fabiano Caruana. } { [%clk 0:15:17] } 6. N1c3 { [%clk 0:15:16] } 6... a6 { [%clk 0:15:21] } 7. Na3 { [%clk 0:15:20] } 7... Be6 { [%clk 0:15:24] } 8. Nc4 { [%clk 0:15:15] } 8... b5 { [%clk 0:15:27] } 9. Ne3 { [%clk 0:15:18] } 9... Nf6 { [%clk 0:15:30] } 10. f3?! { This is still a theoretical position from this opening. 10.f3 is an interesting move which is typical for the Sicilian (stopping any Black pieces from jumping to g4 and aiming for a long term kingside pawn storm with g2-g4. Strong Grandmasters such as Morozevich, Saric, Motylev, Shirov, and Bologan seem to play 10.g3 here (10.Bd3 is also the most common and most natural move). } { [%clk 0:14:05] } 10... g6 { [%clk 0:13:58] } 11. a4 { [%clk 0:12:29] } 11... b4 { [%clk 0:13:49] } 12. Ncd5 { [%clk 0:12:21] } 12... Bg7 { [%clk 0:13:31] } 13. Bc4 { [%clk 0:11:25] } 13... O-O { [%clk 0:13:09] } 14. O-O { [%clk 0:11:03] } 14... a5 { [%clk 0:11:59] } 15. b3 { [%clk 0:09:46] } 15... Nd4 { [%clk 0:11:51] } 16. Bb2 { Both sides have achieved reasonably harmonious development and the position is about equal. } { [%clk 0:09:31] } 16... Nd7? { Black's Knight goes from f6 to d7 to b6 in order to provoke a trade for White's Nd5, but the trade was already likely when Black's Knight was on f6! This misuse of time allows White to seize the initiative. } { [%clk 0:11:17] } 17. f4! { [%clk 0:06:52] } 17... Nb6 { [%clk 0:09:19] } 18. f5 { [%clk 0:05:17] } 18... Bxd5 { [%clk 0:06:42] } 19. Nxd5 { [%clk 0:04:37] } 19... Nxd5 { [%clk 0:06:33] } 20. Bxd5 { White's Bishop on the d5 outpost is completely unopposed and will serve as an excellent attacking piece. White has the initiative. } { [%clk 0:04:40] } 20... Rc8 { [%clk 0:05:49] } 21. Qg4!? { Not the best move by computer standards, but in a rapid game, it is important to put pressure on your opponent. I like White's decision to sacrifice some material on the kingside to go for the attack. Let's call it a Queen "Lyft" :) } { [%clk 0:03:37] } 21... Nxc2 { [%clk 0:04:16] } 22. fxg6 { [%clk 0:03:34] } 22... Ne3?? { Black blunders a fork here by issuing a fork of his own. } { [%clk 0:03:59] } (22... Nxa1 23. gxf7+ Kh8 24. Bxa1 { was likely Varun's plan here. White has long term compensation for the small material investment, but Black's King is actually quite safe and will probably weather the storm with the extra exchange. This would have been a very interesting middlegame! }) 23. Qh3! { [%clk 0:02:11] } 23... hxg6 { [%clk 0:03:50] } 24. Qxe3 { White, a FIDE Master rated over 2350 USCF, converts the extra piece with good technique. } { [%clk 0:02:13] } 24... Rc2 { [%clk 0:03:49] } 25. Rab1 { [%clk 0:01:39] } 25... Qh4 { [%clk 0:03:43] } 26. Qg3 { [%clk 0:01:25] } 26... Qh6 { [%clk 0:03:18] } 27. Bc1 { [%clk 0:01:09] } 27... Qh5 { [%clk 0:03:21] } 28. Bg5 { [%clk 0:01:07] } 28... Bh6 { [%clk 0:02:47] } 29. Bxh6 { [%clk 0:00:57] } 29... Qxh6 { [%clk 0:02:53] } 30. Qf3 { [%clk 0:00:57] } 30... Rc3 { [%clk 0:02:26] } 31. Qf6 { [%clk 0:00:52] } 31... Qg7 { [%clk 0:02:16] } 32. Qxg7+ { [%clk 0:00:52] } 32... Kxg7 { [%clk 0:02:21] } 33. Rf3 { [%clk 0:00:47] } 33... Rxf3 { [%clk 0:02:19] } 34. gxf3 { [%clk 0:00:53] } 34... f5 { [%clk 0:02:09] } 35. Rc1 { [%clk 0:00:50] } 35... fxe4 { [%clk 0:02:08] } 36. fxe4 { [%clk 0:00:52] } 36... Rf3 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 37. Rc6 { [%clk 0:00:54] } 37... Rd3 { [%clk 0:01:53] } 38. Rxd6 { [%clk 0:00:55] } 38... Kh6 { [%clk 0:01:53] } 39. Ra6 { 1-0 Black resigns. } { [%clk 0:00:57] } 1-0