[Event "Onsdagskampen 2022: Game 4 - 11/10/22"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/X1PRsnUe/eBoDKG7n"] [Round "4"] [White "Jan W."] [Black "Niccolò V."] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "0"] [BlackElo "0"] [TimeControl "90+30"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "B01"] [Opening "Scandinavian Defense: Modern Variation"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/niccolove"] [StudyName "Onsdagskampen 2022"] [ChapterName "Game 4 - 11/10/22"] [UTCDate "2022.10.11"] [UTCTime "18:34:25"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/X1PRsnUe/eBoDKG7n"] [Orientation "black"] 1. e4 { [%eval 0.0] } { First classical game ever. I had a bit of anxiety, however before this game we did four friendly blitz games and I managed to win all of them, so I was confident. } 1... d5?! { [%eval 0.82] } { Inaccuracy. e6 was best. } (1... e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. Nf3) 2. exd5 { [%eval 0.66] } 2... Nf6 { [%eval 0.74] } 3. Nc3?! { [%eval 0.15] } { Inaccuracy. Nf3 was best. } { This line is not good for white. The trade of knights can only benefit me. } (3. Nf3 Qxd5 4. Nc3 Qa5 5. d4 c6 6. Bc4 Bf5 7. Bd2 Nbd7) 3... Nxd5 { [%eval 0.14] } 4. Bb5+ { [%eval -0.34] } { This threw me out of preparation, actually. I wanted to get used to calculating, so I actually spent a little bit of time considering Bd7 Nxd5 Bxb4. I did not see great downsides, but of course I prefer c6 here. } 4... c6 { [%eval -0.18] } (4... Bd7) 5. Ba4 { [%eval -0.71] } 5... Bf5?! { [%eval -0.12] } { Inaccuracy. Nxc3 was best. } (5... Nxc3 6. bxc3 a5 7. Qf3 e6 8. d4 Bd6 9. Bb3 O-O 10. Ne2) 6. Nxd5?! { [%eval -0.75] } { Inaccuracy. Qf3 was best. } { Trading here felt like a mistake here, it allows me to develop the queen in a place where it can't be attacked. } (6. Qf3 e6 7. Nxd5 Qxd5 8. Bb3 Qa5 9. c3 Qb5 10. d4 a5) 6... Qxd5 { [%eval -0.88] } 7. Bb3?? { [%eval -5.71] } { Blunder. f3 was best. } (7. f3 Na6 8. Ne2 Qa5 9. Bb3 Nc5 10. Bc4 e5 11. a3 Be6) 7... Qxg2 $17 { [%eval -5.48] } { Funnily enough, I had a very similar situation just the day before in a correspondence game against Marco Beri, so I knew that Qf3 seems to limit the loss to only a pawn. However, in that game I did not have Be4. } 8. Qf3 $7 { [%eval -5.55] } 8... Be4!? { [%eval -5.34] } { This is the move I spent most time calculating. It is rather risky, it gives the pawn back with check. However I did not find any way to get more material in any other way, and I could not calculate any good response for white here. } 9. Bxf7+ { [%eval -5.9] } { I feel like he played this move way too quickly, only thinking for a couple of minutes. He still had 85 minutes, so I think he should've spent more time calculating the differences between the queen and bishop check and the best line from now on. } (9. Qxf7+ Kd8) 9... Kd7?! { [%eval -4.1] } { Inaccuracy. Kd8 was best. } { I wanted to cover the d6 square to avoid checks there. I did not find any meaningful check on the white diagonal anyway. (somehow I missed that it's already covered by my pawn, ops). } (9... Kd8 10. Qxg2 Bxg2 11. d4 g6 12. f3 Bg7 13. Kf2 Bxh1 14. Nh3 Bxd4+ 15. Kg3 Be5+ 16. Kf2) 10. Qxg2? { [%eval -7.37] } { Mistake. Qb3 was best. } { This move did not seem good to me. I felt like he should've tried to avoid a queen trade, given just how exposed my king is. From now on, I was much more relaxed. } (10. Qb3 b6 (10... Na6 11. Qxb7+ Nc7 { What a computer line. I had absolutely not seen this on the board. }) 11. Be6+ Kc7 12. Nh3 Qxh1+ 13. Ke2 { Surely lost, but at least I don't see any more checks, and queen trade is avoided. } 13... Bd5 14. d3 Qf3+ 15. Ke1 Bxb3 { Yeah, I guess this is lost anyway. }) 10... Bxg2 { [%eval -7.21] } 11. d4 { [%eval -7.56] } 11... Bxh1 { [%eval -7.65] } 12. Bf4? { [%eval -7.87] } { I expected an attempt to trap the bishop with f3; at least, making me waste time getting it out. } 12... Bd5 { [%eval -7.84] } 13. O-O-O?? { [%eval -10.44] } { He played this move way too quickly; like, 10/20 seconds. On my next move, he gasped. He still had ~83 minutes, so I think he did not manage his time very nicely. } 13... Bxf7 { [%eval -10.51] } 14. Re1 { [%eval -10.69] } 14... Bh5 { [%eval -10.5] } { I was kinda proud of this move. I anticipated Nh3, and had thought of h6 to block the knight; then my plan was g5 and Bg7 fianchetto-ing the bishop. } 15. Nh3 { [%eval -10.51] } 15... h6 { [%eval -10.47] } 16. Re5?! { [%eval -11.87] } 16... g5 { [%eval -11.94] } 17. Nxg5?! { [%eval -13.22] } { Ok, the knight was useless, but come on... I guess he wanted to try to play with the passed pawn. } 17... hxg5 { [%eval -13.29] } 18. Bxg5 { [%eval -13.29] } 18... Bf3 { [%eval -13.14] } { My bishop was loose on h5; he could've just moved his bishop with a discovered attack. } 19. h4 { [%eval -13.22] } 19... c5!? { [%eval -11.3] } { I need to develop the pieces I have to make him feel my material advantage, so I give back a pawn. } 20. dxc5?! { [%eval -11.44] } { I expected rook takes here, preserving the pawn structure and avoiding Nc6 to come with tempo. } (20. Rxc5) 20... Nc6 { [%eval -11.72] } 21. Re3 { [%eval -11.64] } { Funnily enough, I had calculated this line wrong. Before Nc6 I thought that after this move I'd play Bh6 forcing a bishop trade; but obviously, he just wins my bishop. I then considered sacking the rook on the pawn and then winning material back by pinning the rook with Bh3, but of course he can avoid the pin with check before taking my rook back. This was unpleasant, as I now allow him to check my king, and I don't have pieces to block with. } 21... Bg4 { [%eval -11.08] } 22. f3?! { [%eval -12.09] } { I expected multiple checks instead of this. Now I can just move my bishop to avoid them. } (22. Rd3+) 22... Bf5 { [%eval -12.15] } 23. c3 { [%eval -12.72] } 23... Rxh4!? { [%eval -9.35] } { Finally, I can sack the my rook and he doesn't have any check to save his. I do lose material here, but it still felt like a clear winning position, and I force him to give away his strongest piece. I was slightly afraid that he would somehow force me into a knight+2 bishops endgame with no pawn (which I'm sure is won anyway) but that's way to optimistic for him. } 24. Bxh4 { [%eval -10.33] } 24... Bh6 { [%eval -9.94] } 25. Kd2 { [%eval -9.95] } { Briefly considered trying to create problems with e.g. Ne5, but I did not see anything particularly better and I was sure taking immediately is won anyway. } 25... Bxe3+ { [%eval -8.83] } 26. Kxe3 { [%eval -8.94] } 26... Rh8 { [%eval -9.03] } 27. Bg5? { [%eval -9.83] } { I felt like he had to go to g3 to avoid my rook getting at h2, which is a disaster for his pawns. I'm not sure what this move wants to accomplish. } 27... Rh2 { [%eval -9.31] } 28. Kf4 { [%eval -9.62] } 28... e6 { [%eval -8.81] } 29. b4 { [%eval -8.43] } 29... Rxa2 { [%eval -9.89] } 30. Bf6 { [%eval -9.33] } { Fair enough. I can just go take those pawns with my knight and the rook. } 30... Ne7 { [%eval -9.66] } 31. Bxe7?! { [%eval -12.58] } { Weird to trade your last remaining piece. } 31... Kxe7 { [%eval -13.36] } 32. Ke5 { [%eval -13.29] } 32... Rd2 { [%eval -16.19] } { My plan from now on is to cut off the king and go take all the pawns with mine. } 33. c4 { [%eval -14.28] } 33... Kd7 { [%eval -16.26] } 34. b5 { [%eval -19.7] } { Here I briefly considered Be3, but did not want to allow Ke4. I calculated that both of his pawn advancements he can do (b6 and c6) result in a winning endgame, so I decided I had enough time to pick up the pawns with my bishop the long way. } 34... Bb1 { [%eval -16.23] } { After touching the bishop but before making the move I realized I was giving him a passed pawn after c6; but I played it anyway as it's still winning. I was a bit scared that going for Ba2 to actually threaten the pawn gives him some hope of making his passed pawn go past f5, but there's no such hope. } 35. c6+ { [%eval -18.75] } 35... bxc6 { [%eval -19.57] } 36. bxc6+?! { [%eval #-13] } { Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kf4 was best. } (36. Kf4 c5) 36... Kxc6 { [%eval #-12] } 37. Kxe6 { [%eval #-10] } 37... a5 { [%eval #-9] } { His pawns can't move forward and his king is cut off. My pawn is going to promote. Overall, I'm very happy with my performance. I do not feel like I've done great mistakes and I think I managed the time well. } 0-1