[Event "Grand Prix All Levels Arena"] [Site "https://lichess.org/lqtXWgw1"] [Date "2023.06.14"] [White "ALNC"] [Black "SunkrithA"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1838"] [BlackElo "1865"] [TimeControl "300+1"] [Termination "Normal"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "B50"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Modern Variations"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/sANdeEP2007"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/SInQdIlX/qe4I2zq6"] [Orientation "white"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bc4!? { Another off-beat opening. This one isn't played as much, because it allows Black to get a closed game and achieve early equality, but it's still perfectly playable at this level. } 4... a6 5. a4 e6 6. d4 { and White finally breaks with d4. This has to happen at some point } 6... cxd4 7. Nxd4 Nc6 8. Be3 Be7 9. O-O O-O 10. h3!? { Nice prophylaxis. Black wasn't threatening Ng4, but this allows for Qd2 to come next } 10... e5? { weakening the d5 square, but Black had to develop somehow } (10... Bd7 { was more compact }) 11. Nf3 (11. Nxc6 bxc6 12. a5! { is a thematic way to take advantage of the extra queenside space and fix a weakness on a6 }) (11. Nde2 { makes it easier to reach d5 }) 11... Be6 12. Bxe6 fxe6 13. Qd2? { This allows Black to build a dream center } (13. Qe2 d5 14. exd5 exd5 15. Rad1 { and now the center is weak } 15... d4 16. Bg5 { and something will fall }) 13... d5 14. exd5 exd5 15. Bg5 d4! { Black has built up a nice space advantage and pushes back the pieces } 16. Bxf6 Bxf6?? { Maybe harsh, but the only way this central expansion plan works is with an f-pawn that can kick a knight off of e4 } (16... gxf6 17. Ne4 f5) 17. Ne4 Qd5 18. Nxf6+ (18. Rfe1 { would have kept a blockade }) 18... Rxf6 19. c3 Raf8 20. cxd4?? { missing Black's threat. Another common mistake of assuming that the opponent has to recapture automatically. It's just a pawn: there are more important things in the position. } 20... exd4?? { and Sunkrith falls into the trap of auto-recapturing. You have to consider all of your options especially when you've built them up } (20... Rxf3!! 21. gxf3 Nxd4 { and White is busted }) 21. Rad1 Rxf3! { The same idea works now and the white position falls apart } 22. gxf3 Rxf3?? { Too greedy. The rook isn't the piece that should land there } (22... Ne5! { would have ended the game immediately }) 23. Rfe1? { This rook move gives White one check but nothing more. The rook was useful in facilitating f3 } 23... Rxh3 24. f3 Qxf3 25. Qg2 Rg3 { and now Black is easily winning } 26. Rd2 Rxg2+ 27. Rxg2 h6 28. Rf2 Qg3+ 29. Kf1 Nb4! { bringing the last piece into the game } 30. Re8+ Kh7 31. Rff8 d3 32. Rh8+ Kg6 33. Re6+ Kf7 34. Rhe8 Qf3+ (34... d2 { was sufficient }) 35. Ke1 Qg3+ 36. Kd2 Qg5+ 37. Kd1 Qg4+ 38. Kd2 Qxe6! { simplifying the game } 39. Rxe6 Kxe6 40. a5 h5 41. b3 h4 42. Kc3 h3 43. Kxb4 h2 44. Kc3 h1=Q 45. Kxd3 Qf3+ 46. Kc4 g5 47. b4 g4 48. Kc5 g3 49. Kb6 g2 50. b5 g1=Q+ 51. Kc7 Qg7+ 52. Kb6 Qe3# { 0-1 Black wins by checkmate. } 0-1