[Event "FIDE World Cup 2023"] [Site "Baku"] [Date "2023.08.12"] [Round "5.1"] [White "Dominguez Perez, Leinier"] [Black "Sarana, Alexey"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2739"] [BlackElo "2685"] [Annotator "Lang, JJ"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "B40"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Four Knights Variation"] [StudyName "2023 World Cup and Women's World Cup"] [ChapterName "Dominguez Perez, Leinier - Sarana, Alexey"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/QLPThvQV/XsCNU8ZE"] [Orientation "white"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Ndb5 Bb4 7. a3 Bxc3+ 8. Nxc3 d5 9. exd5 exd5 10. Bd3 O-O 11. O-O Bg4 12. f3 Bh5 { Until now, Black has been following a game where Dominguez lost as White. } 13. Bg5 (13. Ne2 Qb6+ 14. Kh1 d4 15. Nf4 Bg6 16. Nxg6 hxg6 17. f4 Ne7 18. Qf3 Rfe8 19. Bd2 Nf5 20. a4 a6 21. a5 Qc7 22. Rfe1 Rac8 23. g3 Nd7 24. b4 Nf6 25. Rab1 Nd6 26. Rxe8+ Rxe8 27. Re1 Rd8 28. h4 Nc4 29. Bc1 Nd5 30. f5 Ne5 31. Rxe5 Qxe5 32. Bg5 Qe1+ 33. Kh2 f6 34. Bf4 gxf5 35. Bxf5 Nxf4 36. Qxf4 Qe3 37. Qf1 Qd2+ 38. Kh3 Qxb4 39. Be6+ Kf8 40. Qf5 Qd6 41. Bb3 Qd7 42. Be6 Qb5 43. Qf3 Qc6 44. Qf5 Ke7 { and White resigned in Dominguez Perez – Erigaisi, Chess24.com, 2022. }) 13... Qb6+ 14. Kh1 Ne4 15. Nxe4 dxe4 16. Bxe4 Qxb2 17. Qd6 Bg6 18. Rab1 Qc3 19. Bd5 Rab8 $146 (19... Rac8 { was played in the one game to previously reach this position, where White had a small and nagging edge out of the opening. } 20. Rxb7 Nd4 21. Qd7 Qxc2 22. Rg1 Qf2 23. Qe7 Nf5 24. Qb4 h6 25. Bf4 a5 26. Qxa5 Rc5 27. Qb6 Qd4 28. Be4 Rfc8 29. Rb8 Rxb8 30. Qxb8+ Kh7 31. Qb6 Qc4 32. Qb1 Qa4 33. Qb4 Rc4 34. Qxa4 Rxa4 35. Bc1 Nd6 36. Bxg6+ Kxg6 37. Rd1 Nb5 38. Bb2 h5 39. Kg1 f6 40. Kf2 Ra6 41. Rd3 Nd6 42. Ke2 Kf5 43. Kd1 g5 44. Kc2 Nc4 45. Rc3 Ne5 46. Bc1 g4 47. f4 Ng6 48. g3 h4 49. Rc4 h3 50. a4 Nh4 51. Rc5+ Kg6 52. gxh4 g3 53. h5+ Kh6 54. Rc3 Rc6 55. f5+ Kxh5 56. Bf4 g2 57. Be3 Ra6 58. Ra3 Kg4 59. Kd2 Kxf5 60. a5 Kg4 61. Ke2 f5 62. Ra4+ Kh5 63. Kf3 f4 64. Bg1 Kg5 65. Ra1 Kf5 66. Bb6 Kg5 67. Kf2 Kg4 68. Rd1 { when Black resigned in Sindarov – Jumabayev, Riga, 2021. }) 20. h4 Nd4 21. Rfe1 { Black has a 30-minute lead on the clock at this point, but the position is exactly as double-edged as it looks. } 21... b5? { This move loses the game to a number of disparate tactical motifs converging. } 22. Qe5 (22. h5 { was also winning, as evidenced by: } 22... Bxc2 (22... Bxh5 23. Qe5) 23. Bxf7+! Kh8 (23... Rxf7? 24. Qxb8+ $18) (23... Kxf7?? 24. Qd5+ Ne6 25. Qxe6#) 24. Re3 Qd2 (24... Qc6 25. Qxd4 $18) 25. h6! $18) 22... Rbc8 (22... h5 23. Rbd1 Rbe8 24. Be7!) (22... Rfc8 23. h5 Bxh5 24. Bf4! Bg6 25. Red1 { wins, with the point that } 25... Ne6?? 26. Qxc3 Rxc3 27. Bxb8 { prevented Black from getting queens off in time. }) 23. h5! Bxc2 (23... Bxh5 24. Be7 $19) 24. Re3 { The only winning move! White kicks the queen off the a1-h8 diagonal as to prevent ... Nd4-e6 as coming with tempo on the queen. } (24. Rbc1 Ne6) (24. Rb4 Ne6) 24... Qc5 (24... Qd2 25. Rb4 Ne6 26. Bxe6 fxe6 27. Qxe6+ Kh8 28. h6 { crashes through, illustrating why White needed to keep queens on. }) 25. Be7 { Black avoids mate, but is simply down material with no compensation after the ensuing trades. } 25... Qb6 (25... Rfe8 26. Bxc5 Rxe5 27. Rxe5 Bxb1 28. Bxd4! { was another nice detail. }) 26. Bxf8 Rxf8 (26... Bxb1 27. Qxg7# { is a nice detail. }) 27. Rc1 Bf5 28. Rc5 Ne6 29. Rc6 Qd4 30. Qxd4 Nxd4 31. Rc7 Be6 32. Bxe6 fxe6 33. Re4 Rd8 34. Rxa7 { 1-0 White wins. } 1-0