Morelle, Laurent
Reger, Jeffray
1.e4Nf62.e5Nd53.d4d64.c4Nb65.f4dxe56.fxe5Nc67.Be3Bf58.Nc3e69.Nf3Bg410.Be2Bxf311.gxf3Qh4+12.Bf2Qf413.c5Nd514.Nxd5exd5±This has all been played before: my database has 15 games, and those are only the over-the-board games. Of those games, White has won 11, lost two and drawn three, for a performance of 83.3%. The oldest game is from 1987, while the most recent is from 2020. Black's kingside attack, starting with the exchange at move ten, has been played out, and it is now White's move. White's kingside has been compromised by the assault, but he has sufficient resources to protect the kingside. White has every reason to play on here.15.O-Og616.Qb3O-O-O17.Be3Qh418.Qc3Bh6+−Black does better here with18...f619.f4Kb8±19.f4f620.Bd2fxe521.dxe5d422.Qd3Nb4?!22...Kb8holds for the moment.22...Nxe5is also possible.23.fxe5Bxd224.Qxd2Rhe8This also leaves Black better off than the text. Now White clarifies the position in order to regroup.23.Bxb4Bxf424.Rxf4Qxf425.Re1Rhe826.Bd2Qh427.Bf1White is preparing to reposition his forces to harass the Black queen. Black decided to call it quits here. One possible continuation is1-0