[Event "World Cup Hybrid Qualification m/1"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/MmCjedXj/vTDnewZf"] [Date "2021.??.??"] [Round "1"] [White "Salgado Lopez, I."] [Black "Colovic, A."] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "A13"] [Opening "English Opening: Agincourt Defense"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/alexcolovic"] [StudyName "alexcolovic's Study"] [ChapterName "Salgado Lopez, I. - Colovic, A."] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/MmCjedXj/vTDnewZf"] [Orientation "black"] { 2h + 30''/move qpf } 1. c4 e6 2. g3 d5 3. Bg2 Nf6 4. Nf3 d4 5. d3 Be7?! { I played this fast, missing his next. Either 5...Nc6 or 5...c5 are better. } 6. e4! { Now White gets a good version of the KIA as e5 cannot be stopped. } 6... c5 (6... dxe3 7. Bxe3 { /\d4 } 7... c5 8. O-O Nc6 9. Nc3 O-O 10. d4 $14 { seemed pleasant for White as Black has problems with the queenside development. }) 7. e5 Nfd7 8. h4 Nc6 9. Bf4 h6 10. Na3? { He probably missed my next move. He admitted that the didn't understand that the knight should aim for d2 and e4 instead of a3 and c2. } (10. Nbd2 Qc7 11. Qe2 b6 12. Ne4 Bb7 13. O-O O-O-O { was a typical KIA position, where I thought it's acceptable for Black, with ideas like ...Rdg8 and ...g5, though the engine disagrees. } (13... Ndxe5? { this isn't good } 14. Nxe5 Nxe5 15. Qh5 Bf6 16. Rfe1 $16)) 10... Qa5+! { Now White loses the right to castle. } 11. Kf1 (11. Qd2?! Qxd2+ 12. Kxd2 a6 $15 { the endgame is comfortable for Black as there is no threat of an attack against the king. He can then continue to attack the pawn on e5 after ...b6, ...Bb7, ...Bd8-c7. }) 11... a6 { Black is fine now. } 12. g4? { This just felt too loose. Now I manage to undermine the e5-pawn. } (12. Kg1 Qc7 13. Qe2 b6 { looked normal. }) 12... Qc7 13. Qe2 f6! { Black takes over the initiative. } 14. exf6? (14. Re1 Ndxe5 15. Nxe5 Nxe5 16. Bxe5 Qxe5 17. Qxe5 fxe5 18. Rxe5 Bd6 19. Re1 Rb8 $15 { looked like a very nice endgame for Black, but this is still better for White than the game continuation. }) 14... Qxf4 15. fxe7 Nf6! { The engine says Black is already winning. } (15... e5 { was my initial idea, but I realised that it's more important to get the knight to g4 first. After } 16. g5 { I thought my knight on d7 cannot find a way to enter the game. The engine disagrees after } (16. Re1! { is better, with unclear position. } 16... Kxe7 17. h5! { I didn't consider this. The idea is Nh4. } (17. g5 Kd6!? { is a curious line I saw and I thought it was OK for me. }) 17... Qxg4 18. Nc2 Qe6 19. b4 $13) 16... hxg5! 17. hxg5 (17. Nxg5 Rxh4) 17... Rxh1+ 18. Bxh1 Nb6! { I missed this idea, opening the bishop - I thought the knight should go to the kingside and not anywhere else. } (18... Kxe7 { is also good though. } 19. Re1 Kd6)) 16. g5 Ng4 (16... Nh5 { I didn't even consider this, but the engine prefers it! }) 17. Nc2 { He goes for the b4-push, but that gives nothing. It just felt as if he ignored everything as I build up my attack. } (17. Re1 e5 18. Nb1 Kxe7 19. Nbd2 { but Black is more than fine here. } 19... hxg5 20. hxg5 (20. Nxg5? Ne3+ 21. Kg1 Nxg2 22. Kxg2 Rxh4 $19) 20... Rxh1+ 21. Bxh1 Nh2+ 22. Nxh2 Bh3+! 23. Kg1 Qxg5+ 24. Ng4 Bxg4 $19) 17... e5 18. Rb1 Nxe7 { A move that took me a lot of time as my initial idea was ...Bf5. Eventually I realised that taking with the knight allows ...0-0, ...Ng6 and ... Bf5 is still on the cards. } (18... Bf5 { with this I wanted to win quickly, but I couldn't see how as the ideas of ...e4 or ...Bd3 don't work because Black needs the rooks and the pawn on e7 impedes their inclusion. } 19. b4 Nxe7 { is similar to the game. } (19... b5 $19 { I missed this idea. })) (18... Kxe7 19. b4 Kd6!? (19... b5!? { I didn't consider this, it's good for Black after } 20. bxc5 bxc4! 21. dxc4 Rf8) 20. bxc5+ Kxc5 { it felt very Steinitz-esque, but objectively it isn't very good. I didn't really see how, but I felt I shouldn't venture here. } 21. Kg1 (21. Nd2 { threatening mate. } 21... Kd6 { looked fine. }) 21... Rf8 22. Nd2 Kd6 23. Ne4+ Kc7 24. Rh3 { with good play for White. }) 19. b4 O-O 20. bxc5 Bf5! { Pawns matter little as I get all my pieces in the attack. } 21. Rxb7 Ng6 { Another move that took me a lot of time as I was already looking for a direct win. I didn't find it so I decided to continue to pile up. } (21... e4! { was my initial idea and it works, but I couldn't see it clearly. } 22. Rxe7 (22. dxe4 d3! { I saw this, but after } (22... Bxe4? 23. Rxe7 { Black has nothing here. }) 23. Qd2 { things looked messy. Black wins though after } (23. Qxd3 Bxe4 $19) 23... Qxd2 24. Nxd2 dxc2 25. Ke2 Be6 26. f3 Ng6 { and Black is a piece up. }) 22... exd3 23. Qd2 Qxd2 24. Nxd2 dxc2 { here I saw that I cannot queen immediately and lost interest in the variation, but Black just wins with simple means. } 25. Ke2 (25. Re1 Bd3+ 26. Kg1 Rae8) 25... d3+ 26. Kf3 Rae8 { and it wins, but I didn't see this clearly. }) (21... Bxd3!? { was another idea I looked at. } 22. Qxd3 e4 23. Qd2 { was what bothered me, but even here after } 23... Qxd2 24. Nxd2 Rxf2+ 25. Ke1 (25. Kg1 Rxd2 26. Bxe4 { also looked unclear (or at least too little from the starting position) and indeed here Black here has the only winning move } 26... Re8!) 25... Rxg2 26. Nxd4 { and here I wasn't sure anymore. } 26... Ng6 { Black should win even though this is less clear than the alternatives. }) (21... Qc1+ 22. Nce1 Ng6?! 23. Qd2 { wasn't very good. }) 22. Rb3 (22. h5 Qc1+ { /\Nf4 } 23. Qe1 Bxd3+ 24. Kg1 Nf4! $19) 22... e4 { Everything wins, but from now onwards it seems that I expected to win quickly. } (22... Rae8 { was also good. The main difficulty was choosing a winning line and calculating it until the end. }) (22... h5 { even this wins, as I considered it to take away the option of h5. However I thought it was already time to wrap up. }) 23. dxe4 Bxe4 (23... d3 { I also looked at this. } 24. Rxd3 Bxe4 25. Rd4 (25. Rb3 Qc1+ 26. Nce1 Rae8 $19) 25... Rae8 { White's position collapses. }) 24. Ncxd4 Rad8 (24... Rae8 25. Qd1 Rd8 { I saw this and it also wins. }) 25. Kg1 (25. h5 Rxd4 (25... Qc1+ 26. Qe1 Qxc4+ 27. Kg1 Bxf3 28. Bxf3 N6e5 $17 { isn't very convincing. }) 26. hxg6 Qc1+ 27. Ne1 Nxf2 (27... Rxf2+?? 28. Qxf2 Nxf2 29. Rb8+ { is not very nice for Black. }) 28. Kg1 Rd1) 25... Rfe8 { Just piling up. } (25... h5 { again this was sadistic. }) 26. Qf1 { Finally dropping material. } (26. h5 Bxf3 27. Qxf3 Qxd4 (27... Qc1+ 28. Bf1 N6e5 29. Qe4 Qd2 30. Ne2 Qe1 31. Qg2 Rf8 { is the engine line. }) (27... Re1+? 28. Bf1) 28. hxg6 Rf8 { wins. }) 26... Rxd4 27. Nxd4 Bxg2 28. Kxg2 (28. Qxg2 Re1+ 29. Qf1 Qxf2#) 28... Qxd4 { Now the game shouldn't have lasted much longer, but I fail to wrap it up. } 29. Rf3 N4e5 { /\Nh4 } (29... Nf4+ 30. Kg1 Re4 { would have been quite picturesque. }) 30. Rg3 Nxh4+ { This wins a piece. } 31. Rxh4 { The only move to stay in the game. } (31. Kh3 Qd7+) (31. Kg1 Nef3+) 31... Qxh4 32. Qe2 { /\Re3 } 32... hxg5 { I saw the construction ...Qc5, ...Re7 and I untangle so I took on g5. } (32... Re7 33. gxh6 Ng6 { /\Nf4 is the engine's suggestion. }) (32... Qxc4? 33. Qxc4+ Nxc4 34. gxh6 { is a draw. }) 33. Re3 Qd4 34. Qh5 (34. c6 Qc5 { /\Re7,Nc6 }) 34... Re7 { I was still going for the ...Qc5, ...Nc6 construction. } (34... Re6 { was better as it defends the pawn on g5. }) 35. Qxg5 Re6?! { Of course it wins, but I change the plan and I miss his next move. This is the moment when things start to go a bit unplanned and this seemed to unnerve me at some level. I had some 5 mins to finish the game so this aggravated it. } (35... Qxc5 { was more than sufficient and it would have been according to the plan and keeping control. }) 36. Qf5 Rg6+ 37. Rg3 Rxg3+ { Nothing wrong with this. } (37... Rh6 { was better according to the engine. }) (37... Rc6) 38. Kxg3 Qc3+?? { A hallucination. I spent 2 mins on this and still blundered. } (38... Qxc5 { was my initial idea, but I panicked that he can play } 39. Kf4 { and here I sat in a shock that I lose the knight. I completely missed that I can give the check on d4! } (39. Qe6+ { is better, though after } 39... Nf7 (39... Kf8? 40. Qxa6 Nxc4 41. Qa8+ { is a perpetual. }) 40. Qxa6 Qe5+ { Black should win, but the game will continue and with little time on the clock it would not have been trivial. }) 39... Qd4+ { easily winning. }) 39. Kg2! { Now it's a draw. } 39... Nxc4 40. Qd5+ Kh7 41. Qh5+ Kg8 42. Qe8+ Kh7 43. Qh5+ Kg8 44. Qe8+ Kh7 45. Qh5+ { 1/2-1/2 The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2