[Event "DCC Denver Open"] [Site "Centennial, CO"] [Date "4/27/2019"] [Round "1 (Board #40)"] [White "Jeff Cohen"] [Black "chris burkhardt"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1526"] [BlackElo "Unrated"] [TimeControl "G/90; d10"] [Termination "Resignation"] [Annotator "chris"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "A45"] [Opening "Indian Defense"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/KAAIKOCV/TOMKw96m"] [Orientation "black"] 1. d4 { [%eval 0.25] } 1... Nf6 { [%eval 0.22] } 2. Bf4 { [%eval 0.0] } 2... g6 { [%eval 0.24] } 3. e3 { [%eval -0.1] } 3... Bg7 { [%eval 0.11] } 4. Nf3 { [%eval 0.0] } 4... d6 { [%eval 0.0] } 5. Be2 { [%eval -0.08] } (5. h3) 5... O-O { [%eval 0.12] } 6. O-O { [%eval -0.22] } 6... Bf5 { [%eval 0.37] } { The first move not in the database. I was unsure about this move during the game; I wanted to get the light-square bishop out before playing Nd7, and I like the control over the e4 square, but I think it might just get kicked around (or traded which would not be good for my kingside pawn structure) I also considered 6...Nh5 here to win the bishop pair, but I thought I should get more developed before chasing bishops. } (6... Nbd7 7. h3 b6 8. c4 Bb7 { The better way to get the bishop out and pointed at the e4 square. This is how I intend to play in the future. }) (6... Nh5 7. Bg5 h6 8. Bh4 g5 9. Nfd2 Nf4 (9... gxh4 10. Bxh5 e5 11. dxe5) 10. exf4 gxh4 $10) 7. c4 { [%eval -0.2] } 7... c5 { [%eval 0.24] } 8. Nc3 { [%eval 0.0] } 8... Nc6 { [%eval 0.89] } { Inaccuracy. Best move was Nh5. } { I chose Nc6 instead of Nd7 because I thought my bishop might want to retreat to the d7 square. But this invites 9.d7 which I should have been more wary of. } (8... Nbd7 9. Nh4 Ne4 10. Nxf5 gxf5) (8... Nh5 9. d5 Nxf4 10. exf4 Na6 11. a3 Nc7 12. Re1 e6 13. Bd3 exd5 14. Bxf5 d4 15. Nd5) 9. Nh4 { [%eval 0.15] } 9... cxd4 { [%eval 0.19] } 10. exd4 { [%eval 0.1] } 10... Bd7 { [%eval 0.6] } 11. Nf3 { [%eval 0.56] } 11... Nh5 { [%eval 0.55] } { Chase the bishop away so that it is no longer pressuring e5 and d6, and open up my darksquare bishop. } 12. Be3 { [%eval 0.47] } { For some reason during the game I was thinking the bishop had to move to g3. Now my knight feels a bit far-flung. } 12... Rc8 { [%eval 0.67] } { My idea with this move was that after d5 Na5 I'd have more pressure on the c4 pawn. Also I thought it could never hurt to get my rook on to a half-open file. I cannot remember now why I did not play e6 or e5, which I think I had in mind when chasing white's darksquare bishop away. (The computer likes 12...e5, which also frees the e7 square for my knight.) } (12... e5 13. d5 Ne7 14. Ne4 Bf5 15. Nc3) 13. Qd2!? { [%eval 0.77] } { I hadn't considered this move, but after he played it I saw that he wanted to trade off darksquare bishops. } 13... Re8 { [%eval 0.97] } { My idea here is simply to allow me to respond to Bh6 with ...Bh8, but I thought it might also help support ...e5. The computer doesn't like it. There are some looming tactical issues I didn't notice at the time: now when I move my e pawn, the d6 square becomes a target for the white night forking my rooks. } 14. Bh6 { [%eval 0.8] } 14... e5 { [%eval 0.88] } { I decided to let white take on g7 so that I could take back with my knight and get it to f5 which looks like a better square for it. } { [%cal Gh5g7,Gg7f5] } 15. Bxg7 { [%eval 0.62] } 15... Kxg7 { [%eval 0.57] } { When I re-captured I did so immediately, without thinking, and only after going to write the move on my scoresheet did I realize I hadn't taken with the knight! It worked out well for me (and Stockfish slightly prefers taking with the king anyway), but I need to remember to slow down on moves which are non completely forcing like this, especially when playing with a 10-second delay. Now I also realized for the first time how weak my d6 pawn is and that Nc3-b5-d6 forks my rooks. If he had played 16.Nb5, I think I would have played 16...Qe7 and gone down the exchange. The computer finds several lines where black has compensation after 16...e5. We were about even on the clock here (50:00 and 51:00). } { [%csl Rd6][%cal Rc3b5,Rb5d6,Rd6e8,Rd6c8] } (15... Nxg7 16. Qh6 Nf5) 16. dxe5 { [%eval 0.17] } (16. Nb5 Qe7 (16... e4 17. Ne1 (17. Nxd6 exf3 18. Bxf3 Nf6 19. Rad1 Qb6) 17... Qf6 18. Bxh5 gxh5 19. c5 dxc5 20. dxc5 Re7) 17. dxe5 dxe5 18. Nd6 Nf4 19. Nxc8 Rxc8) 16... dxe5 { [%eval 0.22] } { Now if white goes for the fork, the computer finds very tactical resources for black with 17...Nf4 (similar to what happened in the game) } { [%cal Gc3e4,Ge4d6] } 17. Rfd1 { [%eval 0.05] } { Now my bishop is underdefended so I need to move it. (I could have also played 17...Nf6 to defend the bishop, which I did not consider in the game.) } (17. Ne4 Nf4 18. Nd6 Nd4 19. Nxe8+ Bxe8 20. Nxd4 Qg5 { [%cal Rg5g2,Rf4g2] } 21. Bg4 Rd8 22. Qa5 Qxg4 23. g3 Nh3+ 24. Kg2 exd4 25. Qxd8) 17... Bg4 { [%eval 0.33] } 18. Ne4 { [%eval -0.64] } { Inaccuracy. Best move was Qc1. } { Now he is eyeing the Nd6 fork, but too late } 18... Qxd2 { [%eval -0.63] } 19. Rxd2 { [%eval -0.78] } 19... Rcd8 { [%eval -0.55] } { To avoid the fork. } 20. Rad1 { [%eval -0.83] } 20... Nf4 { [%eval -0.78] } 21. Bf1?! { [%eval -1.7] } { Inaccuracy. Best move was Nc3. } { I can feel the tactics starting to favor me. I first considered 21...Bxf3 which doubles his pawns and gives both my knights outpost squares. This is the move the computer prefers. I then thought 21...Nh3+ might be better, possibly doubling his pawns on the h file instead. And then I saw 21...Nd4 and mistakenly calculated that I would win an exchange. So I played that. } (21. Nc3 { Would have been best, to defend the bishop, but I still get to double his kingside pawns.. } 21... Rxd2 (21... Nxe2+ 22. Nxe2 Rxd2 23. Rxd2 Rd8 24. Rxd8 Nxd8 25. Nc3 Bxf3 26. gxf3 Nc6 27. Nb5 f5) 22. Rxd2 Nxe2+ 23. Nxe2 Rd8 24. Rxd8 Nxd8 25. Nc3 Bxf3 26. gxf3) 21... Nd4 { [%eval -1.28] } { His night on f3 is pinned to his rook and I am threatening to take with my bishop and then recapture with my knight with check, forking his d7 rook. } (21... Bxf3 22. gxf3 Rxd2 23. Rxd2 Nd4) (21... Nh3+ 22. gxh3 Bxf3 23. Rxd8 Rxd8 24. Rxd8 Nxd8) 22. Kh1!? { [%eval -1.34] } { Of course! Now re-capturing with my knight does not come with check and my rook on d8 would be hanging. } 22... Rb8 { [%eval -1.0] } { I played Rb8 instead of Rc8 to avoid possible Nd6 forks. I thought I had renewed the threat of ...Nxf3 winning the exchange, but it turns out white can defend with Nd6. } 23. Re1?? { [%eval -4.42] } { He didn't find 23.Nd6. I think his idea is that after 23...Nxf3 24.gxf3 Bxf3+ his knight on e4 is defended. But I can take with the bishop first instead and he loses material. He also offered me a draw here, maybe hoping I wouldn't want to work through the calculations. I declined :) } (23. Nd6 Re6 (23... Rf8 24. Nxe5 Bxd1 25. Rxd4 Be2 26. Rxf4 Bxf1) (23... Nxf3 24. Nxe8+ Rxe8 25. Rd8 Rxd8 26. Rxd8 Ne1 27. Rb8 b6 28. f3 Bf5 29. Rb7 Bd3) 24. Nxd4 exd4) 23... Bxf3 { [%eval -4.04] } 24. Re3 { [%eval -5.13] } { He decides he'd rather go down a knight than a pawn + exchange. } (24. gxf3 Nxf3 25. Rdd1 Nxe1 26. Rxe1) 24... Bxe4 { [%eval -5.19] } 25. Rxe4 { [%eval -5.12] } { Now he's threatening Rxf4 winning back a little material. } 25... Rbd8 { [%eval -5.1] } { Now he is way down on the clock (7:00 to 24:00 -- he would get down to below a minute while I still had almost 20:00) and I was able to cleanly convert my advantage to a winning endgame in only, uh, 24 more moves. } 26. g3 { [%eval -5.18] } 26... f5 { [%eval -4.77] } 27. Re1 { [%eval -4.95] } 27... Nh5 { [%eval -4.92] } 28. Bg2 { [%eval -5.3] } 28... e4 { [%eval -5.25] } 29. Red1 { [%eval -5.18] } 29... Nc6 { [%eval -5.15] } 30. Rd5 { [%eval -5.83] } 30... Nf6 { [%eval -5.82] } 31. Rxd8 { [%eval -5.73] } 31... Nxd8 { [%eval -5.01] } { Again I was planning on recapturing with the rook but moved immediately and grabbed my knight for some reason. Luckily again it doesn't really matter in this situation. } 32. a3 { [%eval -5.42] } 32... Nc6 { [%eval -5.43] } 33. b4 { [%eval -6.1] } 33... Ne5 { [%eval -6.0] } 34. c5 { [%eval -6.12] } 34... Nd3 { [%eval -5.97] } 35. Rd2 { [%eval -6.0] } 35... Rc8 { [%eval -5.6] } 36. Bf1 { [%eval -5.52] } 36... Rd8 { [%eval -5.22] } 37. b5 { [%eval -6.15] } 37... Kf7 { [%eval -5.42] } 38. c6 { [%eval -5.45] } 38... bxc6 { [%eval -5.44] } 39. bxc6 { [%eval -5.28] } 39... Ke7 { [%eval -4.82] } 40. c7 { [%eval -4.77] } 40... Rc8 { [%eval -4.72] } 41. Bxd3 { [%eval -4.95] } 41... exd3 { [%eval -4.79] } 42. Rxd3 { [%eval -4.76] } 42... Rxc7 { [%eval -4.6] } 43. Re3+ { [%eval -5.15] } 43... Kd6 { [%eval -4.97] } 44. Rd3+ { [%eval -4.95] } 44... Nd5 { [%eval -4.76] } 45. f4 { [%eval -7.29] } 45... Rc3 { [%eval -6.88] } 46. Rxc3 { [%eval -13.82] } 46... Nxc3 { [%eval -12.74] } 47. Kg2 { [%eval -11.13] } 47... Kd5 { [%eval -8.55] } 48. Kf3 { [%eval -13.99] } 48... Kc4 { [%eval -10.55] } 49. g4 { [%eval -25.01] } 49... fxg4+ { [%eval -15.56] } 50. Kxg4 { [%eval -52.45] } 50... a5 { [%eval -11.2] } 51. h4 { [%eval -65.93] } 51... a4 { [%eval -55.64] } 52. Kg5 { [%eval -56.25] } 52... Nd5 { [%eval -52.79] } 53. h5 { [%eval #-18] } 53... gxh5 { [%eval #-17] } 54. f5 { [%eval #-16] } 54... Kb3 { [%eval #-15] } 55. Kxh5 { [%eval #-15] } 55... Kxa3 { [%eval #-14] } 56. Kh6 { [%eval #-14] } 56... Kb4 { [%eval #-13] } 57. Kxh7 { [%eval #-11] } 57... a3 { [%eval #-10] } 58. Kg7 { [%eval #-7] } 58... a2 { [%eval #-6] } 59. f6 { [%eval #-6] } 0-1