[Event "National Middle School (K-8) Championships: Alexey on Endgames: Learn and Play (c-pawn)"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/JIs7Thj7/ZyWv41MH"] [Result "*"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "?"] [Opening "?"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/ChessLifeOnline"] [StudyName "National Middle School (K-8) Championships"] [ChapterName "Alexey on Endgames: Learn and Play (c-pawn)"] [FEN "8/8/2K1Q3/8/8/8/2pk4/8 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [UTCDate "2023.04.23"] [UTCTime "13:22:17"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/JIs7Thj7/ZyWv41MH"] [Orientation "black"] [ChapterMode "gamebook"] { We are now looking at this position from Black's perspective. But it is White to move. Is this position won or drawn? } 1. Qd5+ { Why don't you play Black and see for yourself! } 1... Kc1 { Other moves also work, as long as you get the idea. } 2. Kc5 { White follows the principle of advancing her king when the opposing king is in front of the pawn. } 2... Kb1 { The b2-square was also fine. } 3. Qb3+ { White again plays a principled move, forcing the king back in front of its pawn. } 3... Ka1 { BUT WAIT! Capturing the pawn is a stalemate. White has no way to make progress: } (3... Kc1 { No! This is the only way to lose. Go back to the previous position and ask if Black has any resources. }) 4. Qa3+ Kb1 5. Qb3+ Ka1 6. Qc3+ Kb1 { the game is a draw. } *