[Event "Holdskak 2 Division."] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/JEpI2qCf/fnVTkttt"] [Date "26/11/2023"] [Round "2"] [White "Me"] [Black "John Frederiksen"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1951 FIDE"] [BlackElo "2191 FIDE"] [TimeControl "90+0.5"] [Termination "Resignation."] [Board "1"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "B03"] [Opening "Alekhine Defense"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/Bennerbeatbox"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/JEpI2qCf/fnVTkttt"] [Orientation "white"] { TAKEAWAY: Remember to not play too slowly, especially when converting. Active and fast play usually gives counterplay, so look to minimize it. } 1. e4 { [%eval 0.36] } { T: 58 I came late because my car did not want to start in the cold... good thing I made it nonetheless! The plan was to play the opening and early middlegame quickly to get a decent position that I could play a game of chess from without getting too low on the clock. } 1... Nf6 { [%eval 0.29] } { T: 1:30 Surprised by this, I thought he played Caro-Kann but had not really prepared anything anyway. } 2. e5 { [%eval 0.35] } { T: 58 } 2... Nd5 { [%eval 0.8] } { T: 1:31 } 3. d4 { [%eval 0.79] } { T: 59 } 3... e6 { [%eval 1.16] } { T: 1:31 I have never seen this move before but he clearly knew it. } 4. Nf3 { [%eval 0.93] } { T: 58 Again, just slow simple chess and get a good position. } 4... Nb6 { [%eval 1.47] } { T: 1:31 I was so surprised by this. } 5. a4 { [%eval 1.07] } { T: 56 I know that this is the plan without e6 and Nf3 included, so I figured just play it, can't be bad! } 5... d5 { [%eval 1.22] } { T: 1:31 Maybe smart to transpose to a French-like structure. } 6. Bd3 { [%eval 0.78] } { T: 55 Just keeping it simple with a great French position. } (6. a5 N6d7 7. Bd3 (7. c4! { I suggested this to my dad when looking at the game to see if 6. a5 worked. This is probably might strong. } 7... Nc6 8. Nc3 $16 { This is likely the closest thing to a refutation to the e6 and Nb6 idea. Still, very weird position. }) 7... c5 8. c3 Nc6 { Something like this rubbed me the wrong way. }) 6... c5 { [%eval 0.91] } { T: 1:30 } 7. c3 { [%eval 0.72] } { T: 55 The point to keep the center intact. } 7... Nc6 { [%eval 0.78] } { T: 1:30 } 8. O-O { [%eval 0.9] } { T: 55 I considered taking but preferred to castle first and keep it simple yet again! } 8... cxd4 { [%eval 0.76] } { T: 1:28 } 9. cxd4 { [%eval 0.61] } { T: 1:28 } 9... Nb4 { [%eval 1.07] } { T: 1:28 Going after my light-squared bishop. } 10. Bb5+?! { [%eval 0.34] } { Inaccuracy. Bg5 was best. } { T: 54 This is probably too compliant but thematic for most a4 openings also against the Alekhine. My light-squared bishop is too strong to allow this trade on d7 though. } (10. Bg5 Be7 11. Bxe7 Qxe7 12. a5 Nxd3 13. Qxd3 Nd7 14. Nc3 $16 { Something like this is preferable. Make Black have to spend a tempo on taking on d3. Still, I wanted to keep some pieces on the board too. }) 10... Bd7 { [%eval 0.39] } { T: 1:28 } 11. Nc3 { [%eval 0.38] } { T: 52 Just keep developing sensible. } 11... Rc8 { [%eval 0.6] } { T: 1:19 } (11... Bxb5 12. Nxb5 a6 13. Bg5 Be7?? 14. Nd6+ $18 { Something like this is always in the air. }) 12. a5 { [%eval 0.26] } { T: 50 Maybe too compliant to allow Nc4 but not so clear when I am the one who gets to play a6. } 12... Na8?! { [%eval 1.35] } { Inaccuracy. Nc4 was best. } { T: 1:17 He was too scared to play Nc4 but this has to be too slow. } (12... Nc4 13. a6 Nxa6 14. Bxa6 bxa6 15. Rxa6 Qc7 16. Ne1 Na3 17. Nd3 Nb5 18. Ne2 Be7 19. Be3) 13. Bg5 { [%eval 1.39] } { T: 46 I like including this move. } 13... Be7 { [%eval 1.45] } { T: 1:14 Not sure this is correct. } 14. Qa4?! { [%eval 0.54] } { Inaccuracy. Bxd7+ was best. } { T: 43 I offered a draw here knowing full-well that he was incredibly unlikely to accept. The point was to make him play something too aggressive since lots of lines fail for him. } (14. Bxd7+ Qxd7 15. Bxe7 Qxe7 16. Nb5 O-O 17. Nd6 Rb8 18. Qa4 Nc6 19. b4 a6 20. b5 axb5) 14... f6?? { [%eval 3.4] } { Blunder. Bxg5 was best. } { T: 1:04 He falls right into the trap of denying the draw and blundering! } (14... a6?? { This was the main thing I was hoping for. } 15. Bxd7+ Qxd7 16. Bxe7 { I win a piece! } 16... Qxa4 17. Rxa4 Kxe7 18. Rxb4 $18) (14... Nc7?? { Also, win a piece here for the same reason. }) (14... Bxb5?? 15. Nxb5! { This was another point to get to d6. } 15... Bxg5 16. Nd6+ Kf8 17. Nxg5 $18 { Everything is hanging and I am not even behind in material. }) (14... Bxg5 15. Nxg5 Nc6 16. f4 Nc7 17. Bxc6 Bxc6 18. Qb4 Na6 19. Qb3 h6 20. Nb5 hxg5 21. Nd6+) 15. exf6 { [%eval 3.24] } { T: 41 } 15... gxf6 { [%eval 3.45] } { T: 1:05 } 16. Bxf6 { [%eval 3.27] } { T: 041 He looked very shocked here! I should just be winning now due to the bishop being overloaded on e7. } 16... Bxf6 { [%eval 3.33] } { T: 1:04 } 17. Qxb4 { [%eval 3.6] } { T: 41 Preventing him from castling and winning the piece back with an extra pawn. } 17... a6 { [%eval 3.34] } { T: 59 This looks too slow. Now endgames are great for me as well. } 18. Bxd7+ { [%eval 3.3] } { T: 40 I liked just trading to get rid of his bishop pair and get one step closer to a winning endgame as well as pressure the light squares. } 18... Qxd7 { [%eval 3.21] } { T: 59 } 19. Rfe1 { [%eval 2.73] } { T: 40 } 19... Rc4 { [%eval 2.77] } { T: 58 } 20. Qb3 { [%eval 2.67] } { T: 39 I figured he could not take on d4 for various reasons. } 20... O-O { [%eval 2.73] } { T: 52 } (20... Bxd4 21. Rxe6+!! { This was one of my main points. } (21. Rad1 { This also looked great to me. } 21... Bxc3 22. bxc3 Qc6 23. Nd4 Rxc3 24. Qb2 $18 { Something like this I saw as well instead of taking on e6. }) 21... Qxe6 (21... Kf7 22. Nxd4 Rxd4 23. Rae1 $18 { Black's king is in so much trouble and I keep the extra pawn. }) 22. Re1 Qxe1+ 23. Nxe1 Bxc3 24. bxc3 O-O 25. Qxb7 $18 { Black has way too many weaknesses here. }) 21. Qd1 { [%eval 2.48] } { T: 35 I wanted to keep the pawn on d4 protected an extra time while also not taking Na4 off the table since I want to reroute this knight. } 21... Nc7 { [%eval 2.4] } { T: 51 } 22. Na4 { [%eval 1.86] } { T: 34 Really, I want the knight to come to c5, but going to b6 also wins an exchange right now, so he has to react. } 22... Qf7 { [%eval 2.05] } { T: 44 } 23. b3 { [%eval 2.39] } { T: 32 I figured putting the pawn on a square where Nc5 would protect it and also worsen his rook was very logical. } 23... Rc6 { [%eval 2.42] } { T: 41 } 24. Ra2 { [%eval 1.81] } { T: 31 Just slowly unraveling. } (24. Rc1 { This was probably simpler in light of what happened later in the game. } 24... Rxc1 25. Qxc1 Bxd4 26. Nxd4 Qxf2+ 27. Kh1 Qxd4 28. Qxc7 $18 { This doesn't work due to the knight hanging here on c7 in the end. }) 24... Nb5 { [%eval 1.76] } { T: 40 } 25. Qd3?! { [%eval 1.06] } { Inaccuracy. Rae2 was best. } { T: 28 Maybe a bit too slow but logical to fight against Nc3 ideas. } (25. Rae2 Qe7 26. Rd2 Qb4 27. Rd3 Bg7 28. Ne5 Bxe5 29. Rxe5 Rf4 30. Nc5 Nxd4 31. Rg3+ Kh8) 25... Rfc8 { [%eval 1.29] } { T: 33 I had underestimated this a bit. } 26. Rd2 { [%eval 1.17] } { T: 21 Preparing Nc5 again. } (26. Nc5 Bxd4 27. Nxd4 Nxd4 28. Qxd4 Rxc5 29. Rae2 Rc1 { I was not sure how to evaluate this since he got the pawn back. } 30. Qg4+ Qg6 31. Qxe6+ Qxe6 32. Rxe6 Rxe1+ 33. Rxe1 Rc5 { I figured something like this was drawn, for example. }) 26... Rc1?! { [%eval 1.91] } { Inaccuracy. Qg6 was best. } { T: 24 } (26... Qg6 27. Qf1) 27. Rxc1? { [%eval 0.44] } { Mistake. Rdd1 was best. } { T: 19 I was happy to trade but maybe 27. Rdd1 first was better so his rooks are a bit awkward. } (27. Rdd1 Rxd1 28. Qxd1 Be7 29. Qd2 Qf6 30. h4 Bd6 31. Nc5 Bxc5 32. dxc5 Rxc5 33. Qb4 Rc7) 27... Rxc1+ { [%eval 0.39] } { T: 23 } 28. Rd1 { [%eval 0.64] } { T: 19 } 28... Qc7 { [%eval 0.56] } { T: 20 A good move from him, I think. } 29. Nc5 { [%eval 0.36] } { T: 17 I figured he might be able to take on d1 and d4 here but I get to take on e6 and retain some chances with the knight + queen vs queen + bishop. He can maybe also take on a5 to equalize material but it is hard for him with such a vulnerable king. } 29... Rc3?? { [%eval 2.46] } { Blunder. Rxd1+ was best. } { T: 19 He was too scared of his king position. } (29... Rxd1+ 30. Qxd1 Nxd4 31. Nxd4 Qxc5 32. Nxe6 Qxa5 33. h4 $10 { Black should objectively be able to hold here but it is of course difficult with all of the checks and the bishop + queen vs knight + queen. }) 30. Qe2 { [%eval 2.52] } { T: 16 Now the pawn on e6 is in danger. } 30... Qf7 { [%eval 3.08] } { T: 14 Finally, I was ahead on the clock! } 31. Ne5?? { [%eval 1.12] } { Blunder. Re1 was best. } { T: 11 This was hasty, as I spotted a double piece sacrifice for him with Nxd4!! and Bxe5! } (31. Re1 Nxd4 (31... Be7 32. Nxe6 Qf5 33. Nc5 Bf8 34. h3 h6 35. Nxb7 Rc2 36. Qe6+ Qxe6 37. Rxe6 Bg7) 32. Nxd4 Bxd4 33. Nxe6 $18 { This is probably the simplest with threats absolutely everywhere. }) 31... Qe7?? { [%eval 3.98] } { Blunder. Nxd4 was best. } { T: 8 I was very happy to see this on the board. } (31... Nxd4 32. Rxd4? (32. Qg4+ Qg7 33. Nxe6!! { We thought this should win. } 33... Qxg4 34. Nxg4 Nxe6 35. Nxf6+ Kf7 36. Nxd5 Rxb3 $16 { We figured White should win here - or is at least much better - but Black has some chances to hold with the majority on the other side of the board. }) 32... Bxe5 33. Qxe5?? Rc1+ $19 { This being the point. }) 32. Qg4+ { [%eval 3.96] } { T: 10 Very strong now. } 32... Kh8 { [%eval 3.79] } { T: 8 } 33. b4?! { [%eval 2.94] } { Inaccuracy. Nxe6 was best. } { T: 9 Just a safety first move! The endgames all win for me now that I can eliminate the pawn on e6. } (33. Nxe6 Bxe5 34. dxe5 Rc6 35. Nf4 Qxe5 36. Nxd5 Rg6 37. Qb4 Rd6 38. h3 Rd8 39. Ne3 Rxd1+) 33... Bxe5 { [%eval 2.98] } { T: 6 } 34. dxe5 { [%eval 2.95] } { T: 9 } 34... Rc4 { [%eval 2.92] } { T: 5 } 35. Qxe6 { [%eval 2.78] } { T: 9 I had seen this endgame - with knights, or rooks, or both, or none, all won for me. } 35... Qxe6 { [%eval 2.72] } { T: 5 } 36. Nxe6 { [%eval 3.07] } { T: 9 } 36... Re4 { [%eval 3.8] } { T: 5 } 37. f4 { [%eval 3.43] } { T: 8 I calculated the simplifications to work here, so I preferred the clarity of this approach! } (37. Ng5 { This was my first instinct but it looks too messy for my taste. } 37... Rxb4 (37... Rxe5?? 38. Nf7+ $18 { This is the main point. }) (37... Re2? 38. Kf1 $18 { And this. }) 38. e6 Nc7 39. e7 Ne8 { This irritated me a bit though. } 40. g3 Kg7 41. Rxd5 Kf6 { Allowing something like this looked annoying but okay, this should still be completely winning. From afar, it was less clear, I felt like. }) 37... Nc3 { [%eval 3.74] } { T: 4 Hoping for some Ne2+ ideas. } 38. Rd3 { [%eval 4.14] } { T: 6 I think this is the simplest for a cool reason. } 38... Ne2+ { [%eval 2.36] } { T: 2 } 39. Kf2 { [%eval 2.44] } { T: 6 } 39... Nxf4 { [%eval 2.42] } { T: 2 } 40. Nxf4 { [%eval 2.55] } { T: 6 } 40... Rxf4+ { [%eval 2.49] } { T: 2 } 41. Rf3! { [%eval 4.39] } { T: 35 Now all of the endgames easily win. Re3 comes after Re4 and the pawn runs up. There are a few endgames to see from here though. } 41... Rxb4 { [%eval 4.09] } { T: 32 At least equalizing the pawn count. } (41... Re4 42. Re3 Rf4+ 43. Ke2 Kg7 44. e6 Kf8 45. Rf3! { This was another way to get into a winning pawn endgame that I had seen. } 45... Rxf3 46. Kxf3 Ke7 47. Ke3 Kxe6 48. Kd4 { I assumed this was totally winning but did not calculate further. It is trivially winning for many reasons with other moves for White up to here as well. } 48... Kd6 49. g4 Ke6 50. h4 Kd6 51. g5 Ke6 52. h5 Kf5 53. g6 hxg6 54. hxg6 Kxg6 55. Kxd5 $18 { As an example. }) 42. e6! { [%eval 5.13] } { T: 34 With the idea of Re3 next, Black is hard-pressed to stop the pawn. Even the pawn endgames win due to my amazing pawn on a5. } 42... Re4 { [%eval 5.64] } { T: 32 } 43. Re3! { [%eval 5.69] } { T: 34 Only moves, but I had found them before I exchanged the allowed the d2+ fork, actually! } 43... Rf4+ { [%eval 5.79] } { T: 28 } (43... Kg7 { Going for an equal pawn endgame does not help Black either. } 44. Rxe4 dxe4 45. Ke3 Kf6 46. Kxe4 Kxe6 47. g4 { I had calculated this a bit further. } 47... Kd6 (47... Kf6 48. h4 { I also calculated this. } 48... Kg6 49. Kd5 h5 50. g5 { It is probably easier to take on h5 but this is what I saw. } 50... Kf5 51. Kc5 Kg4 52. g6 { And this. }) 48. Kd4 Kc6 49. h4 Kb5 50. g5 { This is where my calculations ended where I was sure I would just win. }) 44. Ke2 { [%eval 5.8] } { T: 34 This looked to be the simplest. } 44... Rf8 { [%eval 6.36] } { T: 28 } 45. Kd3 { [%eval 5.98] } { T: 33 I will just walk the king in. } 45... Re8 { [%eval 6.21] } { T: 28 } (45... Kg7 46. Kd4 Kf6 47. Rf3+ $18 { I had also seen ideas like this to prevent Black from shielding with the king. }) 46. Kd4 { [%eval 6.33] } { T: 33 } 46... Kg7 { [%eval 6.18] } { T: 29 } 47. Kxd5 { [%eval 6.27] } { T: 32 I am ready to push the pawn whenever! } 47... Rd8+ { [%eval 6.73] } { T: 29 } 48. Kc5 { [%eval 6.41] } { T: 31 } 48... Rc8+ { [%eval 6.91] } { T: 29 } (48... Kf8 49. e7+ $18 { I had seen this when I played 45. Kd3 instead of 45. e7 as one of the reasons why Black cannot switch responsibilities of the king and rook: the rook must defend the pawn, ergo, my king should infiltrate to get it away. }) 49. Kd6 { [%eval 6.86] } { T: 31 } 49... Kf8 { [%eval 8.47] } { T: 29 } 50. Kd7 { [%eval 10.53] } { T: 31 There is no defense against e7+ and e8=Q+ with Rf3+ also being in the air, so he resigned here. :) } 1-0