[Event "44th Olympiad (Women)"]
[Site "Chennai IND"]
[Date "2022.08.06"]
[Round "8.11"]
[White "Eline Roebers"]
[Black "Cori T, Deysi"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2344"]
[BlackElo "2371"]
[Annotator "USER"]
[Variant "From Position"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[StudyName "Eline Roebers Top 5 Games - Meet The Bulldog #1"]
[ChapterName "Eline Roebers - Cori T, Deysi"]
[FEN "3r4/1pkb1p2/pN2p1pb/2P1r3/3R4/8/PPP1BP1P/1K2R3 w - - 0 26"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Source "https://lichess.org/study/GGJ4wYWp/SVWcRlE9"]
[Orientation "white"]
{ One of Eline's most successful tournaments so far was the Chess Olympiad held in Chennai in 2022, where she played on board 1 (!), scored 7.5/10 (!!) and
won the silver medal (!!!). Her games from this event are some of the most fascinating and entertaining chess games I have ever seen, with a lot of topsy-turvy encounters, tactical fights and evaluation swings (check, for example, her game against Marie Sebag or Mariya Muzychuk).
However, for the
purposes of this video/article/.pgn, I have decided to choose a nice combination she executed in the 8th round in her game against Deysi Cori from Peru.
This game was also quite complicated and combative, but after her opponent missed a nasty intermediate check of the knight on b6 earlier, by move 26 Eline obtained a completely winning position. However, White needs to be exact - there is only one winning combination. Can you find it? }
26. Rxd7+ { This capture on d7 actually wins material and is the only clear winning move. } (26. Nxd7 { Is also, sufficient! }) 26... Rxd7 27. Nxd7 Kxd7 (27... Rf5 { Was
played in the game, but after } 28. Bd3 Rxf2 29. Ne5 { Eline had no problem with
converting her advantage. }) 28. Bb5+ { The point of the
small combination, winning an exchange. } { [%cal Rb5d7,Re1e5] } 28... axb5 29. Rxe5 { Perhaps not the most remarkable tactical combination of all time, but I wanted to single it out due to the importance of the event and the class of the opponent (and also - most of Eline's other games from the 2022 Olympiad are so rich, complex and double-edged that they are worthy of separate videos :D). } 1-0