[Event "Fall Classic 2022"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/Dw5ZyWDz/ul3dP7cU"] [White "Benjamin Simberg"] [Black "Chris Burkhardt"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1318"] [BlackElo "1370"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "C02"] [Opening "French Defense: Advance Variation, Nimzowitsch System"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/cristoper"] [StudyName "DCC Fall Classic 2022"] [ChapterName "Round 4"] [UTCDate "2022.10.17"] [UTCTime "14:22:32"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/Dw5ZyWDz/ul3dP7cU"] [Orientation "black"] 1. e4 { [%eval 0.0] } 1... e6 { [%eval 0.0] } 2. d4 { [%eval 0.3] } 2... d5 { [%eval 0.25] } 3. e5 { [%eval 0.0] } 3... c5 { [%eval 0.3] } 4. Nf3 { [%eval -0.24] } 4... cxd4 { [%eval 0.0] } 5. Nxd4 { [%eval -0.13] } 5... Nc6 { [%eval 0.0] } 6. Bb5 { [%eval -0.43] } 6... Bd7 { [%eval -0.43] } 7. Bxc6 { [%eval -0.69] } 7... bxc6 { [%eval -0.67] } 8. O-O { [%eval -0.8] } 8... c5 { [%eval -0.78] } 9. Nf3 { [%eval -0.79] } 9... Ne7 { [%eval -0.75] } 10. Be3?! { [%eval -1.47] } { Inaccuracy. c4 was best. } (10. c4 Bc6) 10... Ng6 { [%eval -1.28] } 11. c3 { [%eval -1.41] } 11... Qc7 { [%eval -1.25] } 12. Re1 { [%eval -1.19] } 12... Be7 { [%eval -0.97] } (12... Nxe5 13. Nxe5 Qxe5 14. Bxc5 Qb8 15. Qxd5 (15. Bxf8 Kxf8 16. b3) 15... Bxc5 16. Qxc5) 13. Nbd2 { [%eval -1.23] } 13... O-O { [%eval -1.31] } { I'm feeling comfortable here: have a good center and don't think white has a very quick kingside attack even after 14.h4 } 14. Nb3 { [%eval -1.63] } 14... Ba4 { [%eval -1.69] } 15. Qd2 { [%eval -1.76] } 15... c4? { [%eval -0.47] } { Mistake. a5 was best. } { I saw my chance to win the e5 pawn... but the computer says that is not worth giving up the d5 square. } (15... a5 16. h4) (15... Nxe5 16. Nxe5 Qxe5 17. Bxc5) 16. Nbd4 { [%eval -0.49] } 16... Nxe5 { [%eval -0.14] } 17. Nxe5 { [%eval -0.35] } 17... Qxe5 { [%eval -0.44] } 18. Bf4 { [%eval -0.21] } 18... Qf6 { [%eval -0.18] } 19. b3 { [%eval -0.64] } 19... Bd7?! { [%eval -0.06] } { Inaccuracy. cxb3 was best. } (19... cxb3 20. axb3 Bd7 21. Nf3 h6 22. Be5 Qg6 23. Bd4 f6 24. Bxa7 Rfc8 25. c4 Bf8 26. h3) 20. bxc4?! { [%eval -0.91] } { Inaccuracy. Nf3 was best. } (20. Nf3 h6 21. bxc4 Rfe8 22. Bg3 Rac8 23. Ne5 Red8 24. cxd5 exd5 25. Nxd7 Rxd7 26. Be5 Qf5) 20... dxc4 { [%eval -1.03] } 21. Qe2?? { [%eval -8.08] } { Blunder. Nf3 was best. } { I knew my opponent blundered from his body language before I even noticed the bishop was hanging. But I still checked it carefully, just in case he *wanted* me to think it was a blunder. Looks safe. } { [%csl Rf4][%cal Ge2c4] } (21. Nf3 Bc6) 21... Qxf4 { [%eval -8.02] } 22. Qxc4 { [%eval -8.25] } 22... Rfc8 { [%eval -8.19] } { Now I just need to play slow and get my pieces coordinated so I can win this winning position. } 23. Qd3 { [%eval -8.25] } 23... Qf6 { [%eval -7.86] } 24. Rac1 { [%eval -8.52] } 24... Bc5 { [%eval -8.34] } 25. Red1 { [%eval -9.25] } 25... Ba4 { [%eval -8.45] } 26. Re1 { [%eval -8.61] } 26... Rd8 { [%eval -8.45] } 27. Qc4 { [%eval -8.55] } 27... Bxd4 { [%eval -8.6] } 28. cxd4 { [%eval -8.64] } 28... Qxd4 { [%eval -8.55] } 29. Qe2 { [%eval -8.42] } 29... Rac8 { [%eval -7.93] } 30. Rb1 { [%eval -8.96] } 30... Rc2 { [%eval -8.72] } 31. Qf3 { [%eval -8.88] } 31... Bc6 { [%eval -8.78] } 32. Qg3 { [%eval -8.85] } 32... g6 { [%eval -8.46] } { I was paranoid I'd hang a back-rank mate. } 33. a3 { [%eval -8.75] } 33... Rc3 { [%eval -9.12] } 34. Qg5 { [%eval -10.03] } 34... Rxa3 { [%eval -9.4] } 35. h3 { [%eval -9.49] } 35... Ra2 { [%eval -9.19] } 36. Qg3 { [%eval -9.3] } 36... a5 { [%eval -9.19] } 37. Rbc1 { [%eval -8.71] } 37... Bd5 { [%eval -8.9] } 38. Red1 { [%eval -9.74] } 38... Qe4 { [%eval -8.62] } 39. Re1 { [%eval -9.54] } 39... Re2 { [%eval -9.24] } 40. Red1 { [%eval -10.49] } 40... f5 { [%eval -8.16] } 41. Ra1 { [%eval -8.87] } 41... Rc8 { [%eval -8.37] } 42. Rxa5?? { [%eval -11.66] } { He didn't see the queen fork } 42... Re1+ { [%eval -13.64] } 43. Rxe1 { [%eval -13.57] } 43... Qxe1+ { [%eval -13.78] } 0-1