[Event "DCC Fall Classic 2022: Round 5"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/Dw5ZyWDz/1sA5KQTi"] [White "Chris Burkhardt"] [Black "David Aizenberg"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1370"] [BlackElo "U"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "B00"] [Opening "Pirc Defense"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/cristoper"] [UTCDate "2022.10.17"] [UTCTime "14:41:13"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/Dw5ZyWDz/1sA5KQTi"] [Orientation "white"] 1. e4 { [%eval 0.0] } 1... d6 { [%eval 0.75] } 2. d4 { [%eval 0.4] } 2... g6 { [%eval 0.67] } 3. Bc4?! { [%eval 0.0] } { Inaccuracy. c4 was best. } { I was very unsure. I always feel like I should get my pieces as active as possible against slow openings, but with my bishop on c4 I need to be careful not to allow black to push his queenside pawns with tempo. } (3. c4 Bg7 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O h6) 3... Bg7 { [%eval 0.53] } 4. Nc3 { [%eval 0.16] } 4... Nf6 { [%eval 0.4] } 5. Nf3 { [%eval 0.28] } 5... c6?! { [%eval 0.83] } { Inaccuracy. O-O was best. } (5... O-O 6. O-O Nxe4 7. Nxe4 d5 8. Bd3 dxe4 9. Bxe4 Nd7 10. c3) 6. d5?? { [%eval -0.95] } { Blunder. Bb3 was best. } { I thought he wanted d5so I decided to stop it by playing it myself. As soon as I did I saw that b5, b4 chasing all my pieces looked uncomfortable. } (6. Bb3 O-O 7. O-O Nbd7 8. a4 Qc7 9. Be3 e5 10. dxe5 Nxe5) 6... b5 { [%eval -0.9] } 7. Bd3 { [%eval -1.5] } 7... b4 { [%eval -1.58] } 8. Ne2 { [%eval -1.64] } 8... O-O?! { [%eval -0.62] } { Inaccuracy. cxd5 was best. } (8... cxd5 9. exd5 Bb7 10. c4 bxc3 11. Nxc3 Nbd7 12. Bb5 Rc8 13. O-O O-O 14. Bxd7 Nxd7 15. Re1) 9. dxc6 { [%eval -0.97] } (9. a3 cxd5 10. exd5 Nxd5 11. Be4 e6) 9... Nxc6 { [%eval -0.88] } 10. O-O { [%eval -1.0] } 10... Bg4 { [%eval -0.9] } { I didn't see this move. It makes sense: threatening to double my kingside pawns. I thought if Nd2 then Nd5 puts pressure on my pinned knight on e2... but apparently just f3 and white is okay. } 11. Ng3 { [%eval -1.22] } (11. Nd2 Nd4 12. f3 Nxe2+ 13. Qxe2 Be6) 11... Qc7 { [%eval -1.18] } 12. h3 { [%eval -1.38] } 12... Bxf3 { [%eval -1.27] } 13. Qxf3 { [%eval -1.26] } 13... Rfd8 { [%eval -1.06] } { I'm scared of Nd4 here and want to get my queen out of range... I should have just developed my bishop } { [%csl Gf3,Gc2][%cal Gc6d4] } 14. Qe2 { [%eval -1.5] } (14. a3 Nd4 15. Qd1 a5 16. Be3) 14... Nd7 { [%eval -1.22] } 15. a3 { [%eval -1.46] } 15... a5 { [%eval -1.48] } 16. axb4 { [%eval -1.49] } 16... axb4 { [%eval -1.67] } 17. Rb1 { [%eval -1.47] } 17... Nd4 { [%eval -1.58] } 18. Qd1 { [%eval -1.5] } 18... Rdc8 { [%eval -1.44] } 19. c3 { [%eval -1.54] } { I thought a long time on this move. I didn't like anything, but I wanted to get rid of that b pawn. } 19... bxc3 { [%eval -1.62] } 20. bxc3 { [%eval -1.62] } 20... Qxc3 { [%eval -1.64] } 21. Bb2 { [%eval -2.13] } 21... Qc5 { [%eval -2.12] } { I know I'm worse, but it is a relief to have the b pawns traded off. Unfortunately now I am already getting low on time and am tired, so trades start looking better to me than they should. } 22. Ne2?! { [%eval -3.02] } { Inaccuracy. Bc1 was best. } (22. Bc1 Ne5 23. Be2 Qa5 24. Be3 Nxe2+ 25. Qxe2 Nc4 26. Bf4 h5 27. Rbc1 Be5 28. Bxe5 Nxe5) 22... Nxe2+ { [%eval -3.01] } 23. Qxe2 { [%eval -2.92] } 23... Bxb2 { [%eval -3.06] } 24. Rxb2 { [%eval -2.99] } 24... Ne5 { [%eval -2.96] } 25. Rfb1 { [%eval -3.0] } 25... Qa3?! { [%eval -2.28] } { Inaccuracy. Ra3 was best. } (25... Ra3 26. Rc2 Rc3 27. Rxc3 Qxc3 28. Ba6 Ra8 29. Qb5 Qc2 30. Re1 Qa2 31. Bb7 Rb8 32. Rc1) 26. Bb5 { [%eval -2.15] } 26... Rc3 { [%eval -2.4] } 27. Kh2 { [%eval -2.66] } 27... Rac8?! { [%eval -1.95] } { Inaccuracy. Kg7 was best. } (27... Kg7 28. f4) 28. f4 { [%eval -2.0] } 28... Nc4 { [%eval -2.13] } 29. Bxc4 { [%eval -2.19] } 29... R8xc4 { [%eval -2.24] } 30. Rb8+?! { [%eval -3.61] } { Inaccuracy. Re1 was best. } (30. Re1 Qc5) 30... Kg7 { [%eval -3.39] } 31. R8b7?? { [%eval -7.1] } { Blunder. R8b2 was best. } { I thought my only real chance was to keep my rook active } (31. R8b2 Qc5 32. Re1 Rc1 33. Rb1 R1c2 34. Qe3 Qxe3 35. Rxe3 Rf2 36. Kg3 Rcc2 37. Rg1 e5) 31... Rc2 { [%eval -7.22] } 32. Qd1 { [%eval -7.32] } 32... Qa2 { [%eval -6.83] } 33. Qf3 { [%eval -6.63] } 33... h5 { [%eval -6.07] } 34. e5 { [%eval -7.93] } 34... R4c3 { [%eval -9.19] } 35. Qe4 { [%eval -9.38] } 35... Re2 { [%eval -7.91] } 36. R7b2 { [%eval -9.39] } 36... Rxe4?! { [%eval -5.22] } { Inaccuracy. Qxb2 was best. } { My opponent was too excited to be winning and messed up the capture order! This gave me a glimmer of hope, but he is still overwhelmingly winning. } (36... Qxb2 37. exd6 Rxe4 38. Rxb2 exd6 39. Rd2 Rxf4 40. Rxd6 Rc2 41. Rd1 Ra4 42. Rg1 Ra5 43. Rf1) 37. Rxa2 { [%eval -5.43] } 37... dxe5 { [%eval -5.74] } 38. fxe5 { [%eval -5.81] } 38... Rxe5 { [%eval -6.27] } 39. Ra7 { [%eval -6.74] } 39... Rc2 { [%eval -6.32] } 40. Rbb7 { [%eval -8.42] } 40... Kf6 { [%eval -7.39] } 41. Ra6+ { [%eval -6.61] } 41... Kg5 { [%eval -6.41] } 42. Raa7 { [%eval -8.22] } 42... Ree2 { [%eval -8.3] } 43. Rxe7 { [%eval -9.07] } 43... Rxg2+ { [%eval -9.23] } 44. Kh1 { [%eval -9.62] } 44... Rgd2 { [%eval -8.93] } 45. Re1 { [%eval -9.03] } 45... Rf2 { [%eval -8.75] } 46. h4+ { [%eval -8.75] } { Now I'm just hoping for some sort of stalemate. I'm literally playing on increment here. } 46... Kxh4 { [%eval -8.7] } 47. Ra5 { [%eval -13.71] } 47... f5 { [%eval -13.91] } 48. Kg1 { [%eval -14.8] } 48... Rfd2 { [%eval -13.81] } 49. Ra3 { [%eval -14.75] } 49... g5 { [%eval -16.06] } 50. Ra4+ { [%eval -18.5] } 50... f4 { [%eval #-14] } 51. Kf1 { [%eval #-7] } 51... Kg3 { [%eval #-7] } 0-1