1.e4c62.Nc3d53.Nf3dxe44.Nxe4Nf65.Qe2Nxe46.Qxe4Nd77.Bc4Nf68.Ne5e69.Qe2Be710.O-OO-O11.c3a612.d4c5Black has successfully executed a ... c6-c5 break to undermine White's center.13.Rd1cxd4?!Black misevaluates the position and gives White a dangerous rook to complement the more open lines on the kingside.13...b5was fine, continuing development and allowing14.dxc5Qc7when Black regains the c-pawn after15.Bd3Bxc5and even after16.Bf4Bb717.a4⩲Black's position is playable. The lesson here is that the purpose of 12. ... c5 was to release White's control of the e5-square and create more play on the a7-g1 diagonal and the d-file. All of those objectives have been achieved by allowing 14. dxc5 in this variation! So, Black had reason to keep the tension in the center.14.Rxd4Qe815.Bg5Nd7?!Closing off the c8-bishop is very dangerous in these structures, and indeed White had a tactical rejoinder.16.Bf4...16.Nxf7!Rxf7(16...Kxf7??17.Qxe6#)(16...Qxf7??17.Bxe6+−)17.Qxe6±immediately produces a return on the material investment.16....Bf617.Rad1Nxe518.Bxe5Bxe519.Qxe5Qe720.a4...Great prophylaxis. White shuts down ... b7-b5 counterplay before forcing through any attack on the kingside. After all, the rooks are useful along the d-file already.20....Qf621.Qc7e522.Rd8...Threats of mate will force Black to part with at least one pawn while trading down.22....Bg423.Rxa8!...The proper capture to ensure the b7-pawn hangs at the end.23.Rxf8+Rxf824.Qxb7??Bxd1-+was the pitfall.23....Rxa824.Qxb7...With the a8-rook hanging, White can afford to leave the d1-rook out to dry for one more turn.24....Rf825.Re1+−...White is pawn-up with pressure on the a6-, e5-, and f7-pawns. White went on to win smoothly.25....Qd626.Qe4Bd727.Qxe5Qc628.Qd5Qxd529.Bxd5Bxa430.Ra1Bd731.Rxa6Rd832.Rd6Kf833.Bc6Re834.Kf1Bxc635.Rxc6Ke736.Rc7+Kf637.b4Kg638.b5Rb839.c4f540.Rc6+Kf741.b6Ke842.c5Rb743.Rc7Rxc744.bxc7Kd745.Ke2Kxc746.Kd3g647.Kc4Kc648.Kd4Kc749.Ke5Kc650.Kf6Kxc551.Kg7Kd452.Kxh7Kd353.Kxg61-0 White wins.1-0