Nakamura, Hikaru(2838)
Caruana, Fabiano(2769)
1.e4e52.Nf3Nc63.Bc4Nf64.d3Be75.Nc3d66.a3O-O7.Be3Be68.Nd5Qc89.Bb3Bd810.O-OBxd511.exd5Ne712.c4Nf513.Bd2c614.dxc6Qxc615.Rc1Bb616.Ba4Qc717.b4a518.Bg5axb419.Bxf6gxf620.c5dxc521.axb4Qd622.b5Rfd823.Nd2Nd424.Nc4Qe625.Re1Bc726.Re3Kh827.Kh1b628.Rh3Rg829.Qh5Qf530.Qxf5Nxf531.Bd1Nd4After two draws in classical games, we join the Champions Finalists in the blitz playoff. White's position was already tough, and what made Fabi's life even harder was the clock situation, as he was a down a full minute in a three-minute blitz game (with two second increment).32.Rb1...32.Bf3was the most resistant move, as it prevents Black from doubling his rook on the a-file.32....Ra233.Kg1...33.Bf3was still the best, even though it loses a pawn due to back-rank mate.Nxb5!33....Rga8Now Black infiltrates into the first rank, which makes White's position hopeless.34.Kf1Ra135.Rxa1Rxa136.Ke1Nxb537.Kd2Nd438.Rh6b539.Nb2Ba5+40.Ke3Nf5+0-1 Black wins.0-1