[Event "MD Open"] [Site "https://lichess.org/r7RDGx3B"] [Date "2021.12.04"] [Result "0-1"] [TimeControl "-"] [Annotator "Bijan Tahmassebi"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "A13"] [Opening "English Opening: Agincourt Defense"] [StudyName "Silver Knights Study"] [ChapterName "Ben Shoykhet (2038) - Bijan Tahmassebi (2209)"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/9S2EkBQC/vvLz2r6j"] [Orientation "black"] { This game was against a friend of mine. We were talking when the pairings got announced and laughed when we saw we were playing. Although we considered it a possibility that we would play, we didn't expect to play in the first round! We have played dozens of games online, so I thought I knew what he would play and I had prepared something just in case he played what he usually does. } 1. c4 e6 2. g3 d5 3. Bg2 Nf6 4. Nf3 a6 { The idea behind this move is that we want to prepare taking on c4 and then pushing b5. } 5. b3 { He had never played something like this against me before. } (5. O-O { Had we continued with this line, we would've gone into my preparation for this game. } 5... dxc4 6. Na3?! { This is what I expected him to play. } 6... b5 7. Ne5 c6 8. Nxc6 Qc7 $13 { This is a very imbalanced position. }) 5... c5?! (5... d4! { I should've tried to take over the center with the d pawn as white has not already done so. }) 6. O-O Be7?! (6... d4! { With the same idea as before, I should've tried to take over the center. }) 7. d4 $14 { Now white has finally taken over the center, and so white has a slight advantage. } 7... O-O 8. e3 cxd4 9. exd4 b5?! { Although this move tries to create imbalance, I have overcommitted a bit with my pawns } 10. Ne5 Bb7 11. Nc3 Qc8 { Qc8 looks like it is the perfect move, as it defends the b7 bishop, pins white's c4 pawn, and prepares to rip open the position. There is just one problem though. } 12. c5! $16 { Although this move is not normally played, white must play c5 to keep his advantage. Now black's pieces are a little stuck on the queenside. } 12... Nc6 13. Nxc6 (13. f4?? { Although this move looks good as it defends the e5 knight, it actually loses on the spot! } 13... Nxd4! 14. Qxd4?? Bxc5) 13... Bxc6 14. b4? { With this move, the advantage slips back towards black. Although this move looks restricting, it actually gives black some life on the queenside. } 14... a5! $10 15. Qb3 Ne4 { White should not capture this knight as it opens up the d5 square for either the queen on the bishop to move into and black will have a very comfortable center. } 16. bxa5 Rxa5 17. Nxe4? $17 dxe4 { Now black has a clear plan. Just put as much pressure on white's pawns as possible. } { [%csl Ga2,Gd4][%cal Gc6d5,Gd5a2,Ga5a2,Gc8a8,Ga8a2,Gf8d8,Gd8d4,Ge7f6,Gf6a1] } 18. Re1 Qa8 19. a3 Bd5?! { This came a bit too early. I should've instead tried to put pressure on the d4 pawn. } (19... Rd8 20. Be3 Ra4) 20. Qb1 f5 21. Bd2 Ra4 (21... Rxa3? 22. Rxa3 Qxa3 23. Qxb5 $15 { This sequence gives away my advantage a bit. This just trades away too many pieces. }) 22. Qxb5 Rb8 { [%cal Gb8b2,Ga8a1,Ga4d4] } 23. Qe2 (23. Qd7?? { You always have to be careful where you put your queen } 23... Ra7! { And the queen is trapped. }) (23. Qf1?? Bc4) 23... Rxd4 24. Bb4 Qc6 25. Rac1 Bg5 26. Rcd1 Rxd1 27. Rxd1 Rf8 { With this move, I am trying to go for f4 and break open the kingside. } { [%csl Gf4][%cal Gf5f4,Gc6g2,Gf8f2] } 28. Re1 Bf6 29. Bf1 { Here my opponent offered a draw. I don't see myself ever losing this, so I don't accept and play on. } 29... Bd4 30. Qb5?? { This is the biggest mistake of the game. Although white is fine if I take, I simply decline and my attack is too strong. } (30. Qd2! { This is white's only move to try to hold this endgame. White tries to hold the position a pawn down. } 30... Bxc5 31. Rc1 Bxb4 32. axb4 Qd6 33. b5 $15) 30... Qc7 { [%csl Ge3,Gf2,Gg1,Gg3,Gf4][%cal Gf5f4,Gd4g1,Gc7g3,Gf8f2,Gd5h1,Ge4e3] } 31. Rd1 Qe5 32. c6 { I need to add one more attacker to make this attack deadly. } 32... e3 { And now my attack wins the game. The position is simply impossible for white to defend without material loss. } { [%cal Gd4g1,Gd5h1] } 33. Rxd4 Qxd4 (33... exf2+ { Although this line is better, I decide there is no need to complicate things and decide to trade down into a winning endgame. } 34. Kxf2 Qxd4+ 35. Ke1 Rc8 $19) 34. Qe2 exf2+ 35. Qxf2 Qxf2+ 36. Kxf2 Rc8 { Once this position is reached, white has no more play. The rest is just a matter of technique. } 37. a4 Rxc6 38. a5 Rc2+ 39. Ke3 Bc4 40. Bxc4 Rxc4 41. Bd2 e5 42. Kd3 Ra4 43. Ke3 Kf7 44. Kf2 Ke6 { Here, my opponent resigned as there is nothing left to be done here. I am simply an exchange and a pawn up in a completely winning endgame. } 0-1