Vemparala, Nikash(2192)
Eric Chang Liu
1.e4e52.Nf3Nc63.Bc4Bc54.c3Nf65.d3O-O6.Nbd2a67.O-Od68.Bb3Ba79.h3Be610.Bc2Qd711.Re1Rfe812.Nf1d513.exd5Bxd514.Ng3h615.Nh4Rad816.Nhf5...White has embarked on a textbook Italian Game attack. Black has a couple defensive ideas:16....Qe6?Black's point of keeping the bishop on a7, even though it is far away from kingside defense, is to keep an eye on the d3-d4 break. This move is inconsistent with Black's setup.16...Kh8might be simplest, as there is not yet a threat.17.d4!Qc817...Kh8is too late now that the f5-square is defended by the c2-bishop:18.Nxg7Kxg719.Bxh6+Kxh620.Qd2+Kg721.Nf5++−18.Bxh6...That's that!18....gxh619.Qd2Re620.Qxh6Ne821.Ne7+!...Lovely clearance!21....Nxe722.Bh7+Kh823.Bg6+1-0 White wins.1-0