[Event "45+45 Board 3-S06-RD06- 1.b3 Nimzo-Larsen Attack: Chapter 1"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/4FUFXtqr/6iTd79Yb"] [Result "*"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "A01"] [Opening "Nimzo-Larsen Attack: Modern Variation"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/doberm4n"] [UTCDate "2017.02.10"] [UTCTime "21:22:49"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/4FUFXtqr/6iTd79Yb"] [Orientation "white"] 1. b3 e5 { when black plays 1.e5 white can attack it immediately. } 2. Bb2 Nc6 { e3 is the standard move in this opening, readying development along the light diagonals and fighting for d4 central control. } { [%cal Ye2e3] } 3. e3 d5 { White doesn't really care about his LSB in this game. It's all about the dark squares. Attacks defender of e5. } { [%csl Re5][%cal Gf1b5] } (3... Nf6 4. Bb5 d6 5. Ne2 Bd7 6. O-O Be7 7. f4 e4 8. Ng3 O-O 9. Bxc6 bxc6 10. c4 d5 11. Nc3 Re8 12. Rc1 Bg4 13. Nce2 Nd7 14. h3 Bxe2 15. Qxe2 Nc5 16. Qg4 g6 17. f5 Nd3 18. fxg6 hxg6 19. Rxf7 Kxf7 20. Rf1+ Bf6 21. Bxf6 { Line identified as "fun" by doberm4n. }) 4. Bb5 { [%csl Re5][%cal Gf8d6] } 4... Bd6 { pretty common to play f4 here. Thought was that "when deciding between moving a piece and a pawn --move a piece" and "principle of least-active piece. It also prepares for d4 and jumping in right away, which attacks the pinned c6 knight. } { [%csl Re5][%cal Gf2f4,Yg1f3,Gd2d4] } 5. Nf3 (5. f4 { doberm4n: looked hard at 5.f4 .. I guess develop knight and prepare for castling } { [%csl Rg7][%cal Yb2g7] }) 5... Qe7 { doberm4n: this Qe7 is a good move. I didn't expect it } { notice that this Qe7 restricts black's DSB... } 6. c4 { Played by Peter Svidler until here. } 6... a6 { doberm4n: the sweet thing about this Larsen opening is getting to play c4 with the idea of strengthening this DSB's diagonal 7. taking here only choice, right? } { Interesting that after 6...a6 there are not any games in the database with Black winning. } (6... dxc4 7. Bxc4 (7. bxc4 Nf6 8. c5 Bxc5 9. Nxe5 O-O 10. Bxc6 bxc6 11. Nxc6 Qd6 12. Nd4) 7... Nf6) 7. Bxc6+ { Until here played by Peter Svidler. } 7... bxc6 { I didnt' see this idea of pushing c-pawn right away, removing defender of e5 too. } { [%csl Re5][%cal Gc4c5] } 8. Qc2 { this move felt unsure.. Usually better to develop knights before queen move, but the hanging c-pawn looked too juicy. } { [%csl Yc6][%cal Yc2c6,Gd5c4,Gc8b7] } (8. c5 Bxc5 9. Qc2 Bb7 { [%cal Gf3e5,Rb2e5] } 10. Nxe5 Nf6 { this isn't great for black, but seems to hold. } { [%cal Gb3b4,Re1g1] } 11. O-O) 8... Nf6 { doberm4n: this drops e-pawn right? } { Fishy calling this +2.4 @ 30 plies } (8... dxc4 9. Qxc4 Bb7 10. O-O Nf6 11. e4 O-O) 9. c5 Bxc5 { I almost grabbed on e5 here, but had to look at the other attacking moves first. Then I saw that I could take advantage of the bishop blocking Qxc6+. Black must spend a tempo to avoid dropping the rook and white can win the DSB! } { [%cal Yb3b4,Rf3e5] } 10. b4 { doberm4n: c6 weak. 10...rb8 looks good. or prepare to recapture bishop with Nd7. Moving bishop can't be good. Black played his opening moves rather quickly. I think my prep paid off. } 10... Bxb4 (10... Nd7) (10... Rb8 11. bxc5) 11. Qxc6+ Nd7 12. Qxa8 Nb6 { [%cal Ya8c6,Ra8a7] } 13. Qc6+ { doberm4n: question is now can I not drop a piece to tactics } 13... Bd7 { Immortality: take c7 go super greedy somethingpreteis that even bad? doberm4n14. Qxc7 is so obvious but something about it scares me } 14. Qxc7 Nc4 { doberm4n: what is going on here? B4 hangs after back rank check somethingpreten: haha yeah this does not look great... Immortality: overconfidence? } (14... Bc5 { Suggested by Immortality } 15. Bxe5 { Suggested as not bad by somethingpretentious }) 15. Qb8+ Qd8 16. Qxb4 Nxb2 { Immortality: what? qxb2? doberm4n: 16... trading down? This is prob resignable for him now } (16... f6) 17. Qxb2 { ...f6 because knight getting onto e5 is horrible for black. Otherwise, it's a terrible move most of the time b/c of King safety. Usually black can defend e5 with C knight or DSB.. however they were both off.. :/ } { [%cal Gf7f6,Re8g8] } 17... f6 { I guess here going for the weak pawn (material) is strongest. And Queen get's super active. Black can't really make any threats. } { [%csl Ra6][%cal Gb2b7,Rb1c3,Yb2a3] } 18. Qa3 Bb5 { Immortality: this upside down world? i win and madi looks to lose } { principle of least active piece. Stockfish seems to like d4 right away. } { [%csl Ra6][%cal Gd2d4,Yb1c3,Ra3a6,Yc3b5] } 19. Nc3 { [%csl Rb5][%cal Gb5d3] } 19... Bc4 { not many attacking moves to make. Letting black get d4 in and open the d file to the Queen doesn't look great for white. Principle says finish development by castling or grabbing the open file with a rook move (Rb1) but black's central pawns aren't allowing f3 knight to go anywhere. White can play the attacking move d4 and control the center, and when you start calc'ing it you can see.... if black captures with e-pawn knight can recapture on d4, and it allows white to jump into the center while also blockading black d-pawn. } { [%cal Yd2d4,Ga1b1,Rd5d4] } (19... Bd3 { [%cal Ga3c5] } 20. Qc5) 20. d4 { was expecting exd4 here, had premoved Nxd4 :) } 20... e4 { I didn't calc this too hard, but saw Nd2 gets me on the bishop. Good enough for me to quit evaluating that line b/c of the material advantage. } (20... exd4 21. Nxd4) 21. Nd2 Bd3 { computer doesn't like my Qc5? } { [%cal Ga3b3,Ra1c1,Ya3c5] } 22. Qc5 { doberm4n: gotta play smart and flex this material } { Chose this b/c it threatens to take on d5 (how can black defend?) and prevents black from castling and activating the rook. } { [%cal Ge8f7,Yd8d7] } 22... Qd7 { Rc1 here looks good, I didn't really consider it in the game, but in this situation you can notice black hasn't yet castled and now weakens the back rank with Qe7. Waiting to take the pawn, but piling up on c-file and exchanging queens on c8 wins black's other rook. Nice tactic. } { [%csl Rc8][%cal Ra1c1,Yc3d5] } 23. Nxd5 { [%cal Ge8f7,Rh7h6] } 23... Qg4 (23... Kf7) 24. Qe7# *