[Event "All my OTB Games: Cranston v Hamilton"] [Site "https://lichess.org/study/3xOWz1wn/Lum8UfyF"] [Date "2018.10.10"] [White "Adam Cranston"] [Black "David Hamilton"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "136"] [WhiteTeam "Hammersmith 2"] [BlackElo "151"] [BlackTeam "Lewisham 2"] [Variant "Standard"] [ECO "A45"] [Opening "Indian Defense"] [Annotator "https://lichess.org/@/Check_M88"] [StudyName "All my OTB Games"] [ChapterName "Cranston v Hamilton"] [Source "https://lichess.org/study/3xOWz1wn/Lum8UfyF"] [Orientation "white"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3 c5 4. c3 d5 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. Nbd2 Bd6 7. Bg3 O-O 8. Bd3 { Grischuk, A. - Nakamura, Hi, 1/2-1/2, 31st ECC Open 2015, https://lichess.org/OLABuruH } 8... c4 9. Bc2 b5 10. Ne5 Ne7 11. h4 { Harry!!! } 11... b4 12. cxb4 (12. Rb1 bxc3 13. bxc3 Qa5 14. Nexc4!! $18) 12... Bxb4 13. a3 Ba5 14. h5 Ba6 15. h6 g6 (15... g5! { Crucially preventing white's next move. Despite some seemingly loose pieces, black's position is actually now far less easy to attack } 16. Qf3 Nf5 $15) 16. Bh4 c3 (16... Nf5 { black is far worse but at least level on material }) 17. bxc3 Bxc3 18. Bxf6 Qc7 (18... Bxa1? 19. Nc6 $18) 19. Rb1 Nc8 20. Bd3 Bxd3 21. Nxd3 Nd6 22. Be5 (22. O-O?? Bxd2 23. Qxd2 Ne4!) 22... Qd7?! { Giving away a free tempo } 23. Nc5! Qc6 24. Bxd6 Qxd6 25. O-O Rfb8 26. Qc2 Ba5 27. Nf3 Bd8 28. Rxb8 Rxb8 29. Rb1 Rc8 30. Qa4 Bb6 31. Qd7 Qb8? (31... Qf8 { and it's not so easy for white }) 32. Ne5 (32. Nxe6 { mate in 7 }) 32... Rc7 33. Qd6 Qc8 34. Ned7 1-0