
seth_7777777 vs luka3916 RKWC Round 3

4 • seth_7777777 •
  1. preface
  2. luka3916 - seth_7777777
  3. seth_7777777 - luka3916
  4. luka3916 - seth_7777777
  1. seth_7777777
  2. luka3916

Analyzing my games in the blitz shield

1 • seth_7777777 •
  1. Intro
  2. BulletTactica (2012) - seth_7777777 (2021)
  3. seth_7777777 (2015) - slave4chess (1931)
  4. fredericbertrand13 (1522) - seth_7777777 (2008)
  1. seth_7777777

Rapid tournament

1 • seth_7777777 •
  1. seth_7777777 (1904) - Mohamed_abdo_222 (1916)
  2. peteov (1602) - seth_7777777 (1891)
  3. seth_7777777 (1895) - RUCAZO (1138)
  4. Aaronjhernandez (1876) - seth_7777777 (1896)
  1. seth_7777777

game vs my grandfather

2 • seth_7777777 •
  1. 9/5/22
  1. seth_7777777

RKWC First Round Single Elimination

2 • seth_7777777 •
  1. Introduction
  2. zlaya_bea (2024) - Egezytn7 (1685)
  3. Egezytn7 (1690) - zlaya_bea (2019)
  4. zlaya_bea (2008) - Egezytn7 (1700)
  1. seth_7777777
  2. TheUsualDumbKid

Round 2 RKWC

3 • seth_7777777 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Vorona123 (1853) - CyberShredder (2392)
  3. CyberShredder (2392) - Vorona123 (1852)
  4. Vorona123 (1872) - CyberShredder (2381)
  1. seth_7777777
  2. TheUsualDumbKid

The complete Kg3 Rf4 guide

8 • seth_7777777 •
  1. Foreword
  2. introduction
  3. Rb4
  4. Rb6
  1. seth_7777777

seth_7777777 vs chijss round 3

8 • seth_7777777 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Chijss - seth_7777777
  3. seth_7777777 - Chijss
  4. Chijss - seth_7777777
  1. seth_7777777
  2. Chijss

New variant- Capture the flag

9 • seth_7777777 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. seth_7777777
  2. Ben_634