
The Winawer French

1 • peterbi113 •
  1. The Position
  2. The Main Lines
  1. peterbi113

How to use 2 bishops, and what you should not do?

1 • peterbi113 •
  1. Open up lines!
  2. Use manuvers!
  3. Don't be afraid to sacrifice material.
  1. chesswithfelix
  2. peterbi113

The Sicilian Defence

1 • peterbi113 •
  1. The Sicilian
  2. The Sicilian Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, Old line
  1. chesswithfelix
  2. peterbi113

When to Trade

10 • peterbi113 •
  1. Don't trade into a draw!
  2. Trade when you are being attacked.
  3. Think before trading in the endgame.
  4. Most of the time trade when you are up material.
  1. chesswithfelix
  2. peterbi113