
How to Create and Exploit Weaknesses

90 • CM eltenedor •
  1. The power of two weaknesses
  2. Weak Squares+Weak Pawns=Dominance
  3. Karpov-Browne 1972: Weak square as part of grand strategy
  4. Puzzle: white to move and control a square
  1. CM eltenedor
  2. CSGAurelius

Defeat the London System

68 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Gata Kamsky - Vassily Ivanchuk
  2. 2100 vanquishes 2400
  3. Pavel Eljanov - Vladimir Kramnik
  4. Hikaru Nakamura - Wesley So
  1. CM eltenedor

Positional Sacrifices

65 • CM eltenedor •
  1. To acquire bishop pair, achieve piece domination, strip king's shelter
  2. To squash opponent's counterplay, forge a bind, create a protected passed pawn
  3. To maintain an unassailable outpost, increase piece value; light-squared control
  4. To gain incredible piece activity, damage king's position for long-term attack
  1. CM eltenedor

Demystifying Pawn Breaks

59 • CM eltenedor •
  1. French: c5 break as weakness generator
  2. French: f4-f5 Break by Anand (h4-h5 bonus)
  3. French: f6 Break by Korchnoi
  4. French: c5 break and file activity
  1. CM eltenedor
  2. Warwickstar

Capablanca-Tartakower, 1924

12 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Game
  1. CM eltenedor


10 • CM eltenedor •
  1. R. Byrne-Fischer, 1963
  2. Fischer-Reshevsky, 1967
  3. Fischer-Larsen, 1972
  4. Fischer-Spassky, 1992 (second match 20 years later)
  1. CM eltenedor

Flexible & Interesting Opening Systems

8 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Pillsbury Attack
  2. Botvinnik System
  3. Great Snake Variation
  4. Hippo Attack
  1. CM eltenedor

Art of Counterplay

7 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Alapin-Burn, Karlsbad 1911
  2. Botvinnik-Ragosin, 1936
  3. Znosko-Zorovsky vs. Alekhine, St. Petersburg 1913
  1. CM eltenedor

Knights & Bishops, Cats & Dogs

6 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Rubenstein's Noble Steed
  2. Pawns Make the Piece
  3. Bishop Emerges from the Smoke
  4. Bishop Dominates Knight Puzzle
  1. CM eltenedor

Refuting Unsound Attacks: Defensive Skills Development

6 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Don't get awe-struck by the combo
  2. Classic castling-by-hand (artificial castling) scenario
  3. When the "Greek Gift" is truly generous!
  4. Jose Raul Capablanca - Lizardo Molina Carranza
  1. CM eltenedor

Essential Attacking Concepts

5 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Classic Attack: Sacrifice & The King Hunt
  2. The Classic Bishop Sacrifice
  3. The Double Bishop Sacrifice (hello again, Lasker)
  4. The ultimate example of the premature attack/over-extension
  1. CM eltenedor

Zugzwang Game Collection

5 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Bruce Harper - Robert D Zuk
  2. Robert James Fischer - Mark Taimanov
  1. CM eltenedor
  2. Warwickstar

Weak Pawns or Dynamic Heroes?

5 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Smyslov blockades & destroys doubled pawns
  2. Botivnnik's doubled pawns control key squares
  3. Alekhine's doubled pawn as battering ram
  4. Kaspy's IQP becomes advanced monster...amazing game
  1. CM eltenedor

Lesser-Known Immortals

5 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Lasker's Immortal King Walk Game
  2. Najdorf's Immortal
  3. Zukertort's Immortal
  4. Ftacnik's Immortal
  1. CM eltenedor

What is Positional Chess?

5 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Samuel Reshevsky - Jose Raul Capablanca
  2. Emanuel Lasker - Jose Raul Capablanca
  1. CM eltenedor

Game study

4 • CM eltenedor •
  1. Jose Raul Capablanca (?) - Efim Bogoljubov (?)
  1. CM eltenedor