CRUSH the sicilian!
1 • JayMitros •- ===Introduction===
- The Main Idea
- Move 2. What can black play?
- What if black plays d6?!
- JayMitros

Immortal Games
9 • JayMitros •- Petrov's Immortal
- The first sacrifice...
- The second sacrifice...
- Hoffman, Fr Alexander - Petrov, Alexander
- JayMitros
The French Defence
18 • JayMitros •- The French Defence
- The Mainline
- Advance Variation
- Exchange Variation
- JayMitros
The Scandanavian Defence
19 • JayMitros •- Introduction
- Scandanavian Defence Mainline
- Mainline White plays 5... Bb5+!?
- Mainline Mieses Variation White plays 4... d4!
- JayMitros
Guess the move! Grandmaster games to improve your chess skills
16 • JayMitros •- GM Lintchevski_Daniil (3112) - TimQuaker (2913)
- GM charmgame (2820) - GM GMVallejo (2915)
- GM Robert James Fischer (2666) - GM Samuel Reshevsky (2686)
- GM Magnus Carlsen (2484) - GM Garry Kasparov (2831)
- JayMitros