
Intro to Pawn Structure

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Intro
  2. Weak Pawns
  3. Weak Squares
  4. Attacking weak pawns
  1. IndianDefense

Intermediate King and Pawn endgames

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. The basic form of opposition
  2. Opposition, contd.
  1. IndianDefense

Basic Opening ideas

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. IndianDefense

Beginner Tactics

4 • IndianDefense •
  1. Intro to tactics
  2. Double Attacks
  3. Double Attacks
  4. Double Attacks
  1. IndianDefense

French Defense

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. IndianDefense

Game study

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. venerabile48 - IndianDefense
  1. IndianDefense

Game study

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. IndianDefense - JordanRieger
  1. IndianDefense

A Complete Opening repertoire for Black and White

104 • IndianDefense •
  1. White, 1. e4
  2. Black Repertoire vs. 1. e4
  3. Black Repertoire vs. 1. d4
  4. Final Notes
  1. IndianDefense

Sicilian Najdorf

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Line
  3. Poisoned Pawn Variation
  4. English Attack
  1. IndianDefense

Positional Sacrifices

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Larsen, Bent (2630) - Andersson, Ulf (2580)
  1. IndianDefense

Rook Endings

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Lucena Position
  3. Philidor Draw
  1. IndianDefense


1 • IndianDefense •
  1. IndianDefense - IM EmmanuelJimenez
  1. IndianDefense


2 • IndianDefense •
  1. IndianDefense - cicero62
  1. IndianDefense

Miracle Draws

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Intro
  2. Study by R. Reti, 1922
  3. Study by J. Hasek, 1932
  4. Study by F. Zimkhovitch, 1927
  1. athleticsong
  2. IndianDefense

Game study

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Albina2802 - IndianDefense
  1. IndianDefense

J-Chess School, Basic Tactics

1 • IndianDefense •
  1. Back-Rank #1
  1. IndianDefense