Speed: Bullet to Correspondence  Rating: 1000 to 2500

Sicilian Defense: Alapin Variation, g3, Ne5, a4, Qa5BETA

    Qa5 technically prevents white from achieving two uncontested pawns in the center by pinning the c3 pawn in the event of d4. However, this is an inaccurate move because black's queen can often be kicked around with Na3->c4. White can easily develop their kingside pieces and castle (avoiding the pin) before achieving the desirable d4 pawn break.
    -e5: TODO: e5 is normal for white after Nf6. e5 is bad for black since it creates the d5 hole.

The Alapin Sicilian avoids the main lines of the Sicilian, and tries to build a strong center with c3-d4. If black plays too slowly, white will simply control the majority of the center with the e4 and d4 pawns. White could then develop their pieces comfortably behind this pawn mass, while black is slowly squeezed for space. However, in the main lines (an immediate Nf6 or d5), black prevents white from having an uncontested center by immediately striking back. As opposed to most Sicilian variations, black can gain a lead in development that ensures their fair chances against a potentially over-extended white pawn center.

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