
Year of 2024

Now that 2025 is here, let's take a look back at the highlights and milestones of The House and the Variant World in the past year:

- Our team continued to grow and surpassed 21,000 members. Thank you everyone for being part of the journey.
- We extended our legacy by securing our 5th consecutive title in Lichess Bundesliga. This season was one of the most thrilling yet: after trailing in second place in November, we fought hard and claimed gold in the final months. The new season begins on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
- Despite @gsvc's jokes, @larso reached a remarkable 3000 bullet rating, while @wateenellende surpassed 3100 by playing hourlies. @QueenEatingDragon earned the National Master title, and our most active OTB player, @CasperyLiu, had an eventful year.
- Several familiar faces stood out and achieved success in Variant World Championships: @Natso won the Atomic World Championship (AWC), @Stubenfisch claimed second place in the Horde World Championship (HWC), and @QueenEatingDragon was the runner-up in the Racing Kings World Championship (RKWC). Against all odds, @VariantsOnly emerged victorious in the King of the Hill World Championship (KOTHWC). The Antichess (ACWC) and Three-Check World Championships (TCWC) are still ongoing.
- Chesscom hosted variant tournaments that attracted top players to compete for glory and prizes. For instance, @blitzbullet won the Crazyhouse edition of the Variant Community Series (VCS).
- The variant communities enjoyed various activities: Crazyhouse Team League Season 12 took place in April, and the 2nd Racing Kings Olympiad was announced. Many variants introduced "Game of the Month" contests. Our lichess team participated in 1476 team tournaments throughout the year.
- In the Discord, Drawback Chess became our source of excitement in March and April. Meanwhile, the mischievous bughouse trio of @GRXbullet, Emerald, and @larso brought hilarity and havoc to the bughouse voice calls many times.

Happy New Year! Let's make 2025 unforgettable!
What was your favourite – variant, chess, or The House – moment of 2024?
I enjoyed when VO went bunting mental lalalala
<Comment deleted by user>
i enjoyed learning how to play bughouse. happy new year!
Enjoyed the usual discord call laughs & antics and seeing many strong new players in the bughouse community!

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