
6th Correspondence Cup - Games Thread

a not yet posted game from round 2 ... sorry for being late ...

Yes, @Dude128. @weBNimz0 needs to stop entering 1-0 results for unfinished matches as it automatically puts forward the leader (who has not won yet) to the second round in the results. Its causing confusion as no one knows who is actually through to the second round and who is not.
@CarlFromFinland said in #99:
> Yes, @Dude128. @weBNimz0 needs to stop entering 1-0 results for unfinished matches as it automatically puts forward the leader (who has not won yet) to the second round in the results.
it happens although if you click the name that turns orange with a victory it shows there was no win which is how I keep my events up to date

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