
Search "user:veestal"

24 forum posts
Game analysis - Critical Moment#2

why didnt SDmitryS find 13. Nxe6?

Game analysis - Still in love with the White lion#4

according to stockfish, the position after 19. Nxf5 is +0.3, that is (almost) equal

General Chess Discussion - need classical help#3

grab your phone and open the engine (jk dont do it, just take your time at certain positions and try to find the best move)

Game analysis - First Greek Gift!#3

aftyer 14. .., Ng4+ the best move for white is to move his king to g3, the queen cant get to h4 and after Qd6+, white has to play f4 and escape the checks

Game analysis - First Greek Gift!#2

9. c4 the pawn on g7 was hanging, you would lose a pawn and exchange if he saw 9. Bxg7

General Chess Discussion - equality chess960 starting positions#1

are all the chess960 starting positions equal according to stockfish or are there starting positions with a clear advantage for white or black?

General Chess Discussion - FEATURE REQEUST, add traps to stockfish#1

i would really like to see that stockfish shows traps in games. i am that kind of person that likes trapping my opponents but i cant use stockfish to find them, i think that it would be nice to learn …

Lichess Feedback - "" Title#15

then stop using caps

Lichess Feedback - "" Title#12

@albinsajan dont shout in forums please

General Chess Discussion - why cant you put 10 black kings on 1 board?#1

the fen 7Q/3kpk2/N1kkp1k1/5k2/2k2Pk1/1R1NkkP1/K2R4/1B2B3 w - - 0 1 has 10 checkmates in 1 but i cant play it in lichess, whyyyyyyyyy?
