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44 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Impossibly hard puzzle. (And by impossible, I mean impossible.)#5

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General Chess Discussion - Impossibly hard puzzle. (And by impossible, I mean impossible.)#1

Game analysis - Why is this position evaluated as -1.1?#5

I just tried playing as white against stockfish level 8 and lost. Seems like I underestimated how much black can do on the h file.

Game analysis - Why is this position evaluated as -1.1?#4

@Sarg0n My biggest worry was actually if white were to set up something like queen on d3, rooks on b1 and e2, bishop on d1. In that case, I don't see how black can have any tactics or break through. @…

Game analysis - Why is this position evaluated as -1.1?#1

Here's the position (black to move). This was a position that could have occurred in one of my games (I wa…

Game analysis - Won a piece, played poorly, and then lost. What went wrong?#11

Reply to #8 (@Topobanana): What I was saying was that I didn't consider Nxe4 or Bxe4 during the game, but now that I look at it, I think I should have played it. ---------- Reply to #9 (@lurarose): g3…

Game analysis - Won a piece, played poorly, and then lost. What went wrong?#7

Reply to #2 (@Topobanana): I didn't even consider giving back material. The computer doesn't like it, but the resulting position looks so much easier to play. My rooks suddenly become well-placed too.…

Game analysis - Won a piece, played poorly, and then lost. What went wrong?#1

I'm white. The time controls are 15+10. Here's the game. After winning a piece by move 9, I was pretty sure I was going to win, but I had trouble finding good plans, got i…

Game analysis - White's bishop got trapped on h6 but survived, while black's bishop got trapped on c8 and died.#7

Reply to #2 (@ujcn): f4 is a very common move in similar King's Indian positions, intending to attack white's king with moves like g5 followed by g4. I'm not sure what else should be my plan in this p…

Game analysis - White's bishop got trapped on h6 but survived, while black's bishop got trapped on c8 and died.#1

I was black. This is the most ridiculous game I've ever played. You're welcome to just enjoy the game, but an explanation of what went wrong would be welcome too. I don't …
