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9 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 10643:

After 1... Nf6 2. Bf6 Qf6 3. Qd5 Re4 4. Qe4 Qe4 5. f3 ... the official solution deems 5... Qd3 6. Be4 as the best continuation. But all of the following lead to a forced mate: 5... Qf3 6. Re2 Qe2 5...…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 3300#23

In after 1. Ke3 Nd7 2. Qg8, black's best response is shown to be 2. .. Rb8, but 2. .. Kc7 is much better, with no easy win for white following. Stockfish plays the…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 3300#22

Another puzzle 1. .. Ra3+ is rejected, while the accepted solution is 1. .. Rb1+ 2. Kxb1 Ba2+ 3. Ka1 Nb3#. But, after 1. .. Ra3+ all the rest works verbatim! Why …

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 3300#14

But the point is about the best move, and in puzzles if there is a win in 4 moves and there is a win in 3 moves, the latter line is preferred. Therefore, the numerical (heuristic) evaluation given by …

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 3300#12

@OneOfTheQ, #11, 1) -- Whatever that +12 means to you, after 3.f4, 3. .. Qc3 and 3. .. Qf6 are *not* equally good. The line given in the puzzle solution after 3. .. Qc3 leaves both the sides with one …

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 3300#9

See another puzzle : http/ After 1. Be5 Rb2 2. Ka1 Qe5 3. c4, the official solution gives 3 .. Qc3 and rejects 3 .. Qf6, but the latter is *clearly* better, allowing blac…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 3300#8

All this discussion definitely shows that that particular puzzle is puzzling and hence does not so much teach beginners as it confuses them. Let us ananalyse it more before we give a solution to it. T…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 3300#2

The link to that puzzle is here:

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 3300#1

The "official" Lichess solution gives 1. ... Rca7 2. c4 but what if 2. g5? In fact after 2. g5 black seems hardpressed for initiative. Many Lichess puzzles leave me puzzled because of such ignored lin…
