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69 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - Blindfold Chess#6

Kriegspiel! Wild16 on ICC. This would be a blast

NM redbullet64
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Lichess Feedback - Swiss Tournaments: do not forfeit players who disconnect#7

#6, no - internet depends on many factors outside a client's computer. From a chess standpoint, the last thing you want to do is to interfere with a game in progress by forfeiting someone for reasons …

NM redbullet64
Lichess Feedback - Swiss Tournaments: do not forfeit players who disconnect#5

@tpr understood, but what's the relevance of your comment? How do you solve the bad internet issue? The current implementation is correct in terms of being "by-the-book", yes. No question there. But t…

NM redbullet64
Lichess Feedback - Swiss Tournaments: do not forfeit players who disconnect#3

Fair point, something like a 10 minute timeout is probably reasonable. I would not equate it to OTB though - there is no analogy for "losing your internet connection".

NM redbullet64
Lichess Feedback - Swiss Tournaments: do not forfeit players who disconnect#1

During a Swiss tournament yesterday, I ran into a significant issue. Currently, anyone who disconnects from a game is marked as "left the game", and is assigned a loss. This behavior is incorrect, and…

NM redbullet64
Lichess Feedback - Swiss: do not show accidental entries in the player list#1

Sometimes a player enters the tournament by accident, then leaves without ever playing a single game. However, they still show up in the players section. (GitHub issue:…

NM redbullet64