
Search "user:lichapibot"

28 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - [Bot API] How to detect when a game finishes?#5

My problem is how to resign a game? The only API I could find is abort. If I abort an ongoing game, then lichess-bot reports an error and the game times out. Still I do this because at least I can res…

BOT lichapibot
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Lichess Feedback - Tricks to improve bot performance#13

By now I have a lichess-bot fork, that can do a few things: First, it finally integrates my game downloader and book building tool explained here: https://lic…

BOT lichapibot
Lichess Feedback - Tricks to improve bot performance#12

I encountered a strange phenomenon: if I insist on playing the best book move against players who don't vary their game and the book contains a 3-fold repetition, then all games will end in that 3-fol…

BOT lichapibot
Lichess Feedback - DANGER, rating system will break if bots play rated !#31

If you use an auto updated book, then your engine will learn from its mistakes and won't repeat losing lines:

BOT lichapibot
Lichess Feedback - Auto updated polyglot book from your games#1

Here is a single file Python tool which can incrementally download your games and incrementally update a polyglot book created from your games:…

BOT lichapibot