
Search "user:joddle"

29 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Playing Against Ivanchuk: Importance of Move Orders#2

That missed defense by Ivanchuk where the blocked h-pawns allow that normally lost Q vs knight's pawn ending to be drawn is cool! Very nice game with many critical moments, and congrats on the win

Lichess Feedback - "Someone I reported was banned?" Not exactly#8

Once someone is flagged as having cheated, their 40 latest rated games in the last 5 days are taken, and players who faced the cheater are refunded if they lost or drew in any of those games. And the …

Lichess Feedback - This is a draw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#13

I have always thought that for consistency, it's best to say that if a player can give mate by any sequence of moves and their opponent loses on time, then they win (FIDE rules). Sure, for probably 99…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month November - Contest#92

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month June - Contest#76

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month May - Contest#132

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month November - Contest#36

Community Blog Discussions - Is Eval by Time enough to determine Elo?#6

I think that using 1+0 bullet games to train a model is problematic because of the sheer amount of noise. Generally the quality of the games is pretty low, and at short, non-increment time controls, t…

Community Blog Discussions - Creativity in Training#8

Cool article on how to mix things up in training – I would say that until computers started to play a little more human-like, I was pretty skeptical about using computers as a training tool other than…

Community Blog Discussions - How To Use Chess Engines#10

@ultimatemachine yeah, i completely agree with you that's really the best way to learn. especially after OTB games, do an exhaustive analysis on your own first (even better is to analyze with your opp…
