
Search "user:istvanb"

51 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - A new logo for Lichess#258

This is a firefox logo. Please get back to the old one, it was hell lot better. My thoughts only, but as a donor I would say there should be a vote about this.

Lichess Feedback - How game completion rate is calculated.#16

In my last 30 games I had 1 game aborted (by me) 1 game ended with timeout (opponent ran out of time) 1 game ended because opponent left My completion rate is 93% now.

Lichess Feedback - How game completion rate is calculated.#14

@dampooo Could be that. This just confirms that something is wrong with the calculation. As a sidenote: I guess 30 games is way to less to calculate a number like this as this is an indicator of the g…

Lichess Feedback - Feature suggestion: one-click-moves#2

This sounds like a pretty good idea.

Lichess Feedback - How game completion rate is calculated.#12

@apostolis1 This topic was created in that section :)

Lichess Feedback - How game completion rate is calculated.#11

Thats not possible as then the percentage would change in 5% steps. Plus anyways if this number is an indicator of the general behaviour of the user than lot bigger samples should be used.

Lichess Feedback - How game completion rate is calculated.#8

Could be that... but that needs to be confirmed. I guess its really a bug. Is there any way to report it?

Lichess Feedback - How game completion rate is calculated.#6

I have listed my last 445games (odd number, but my browser seemed not loading more). The last game listed was played 2 months ago. From this 445 games I have left none. I have lost on time about 20 ti…

Lichess Feedback - How game completion rate is calculated.#5

As I said I dont abandon games, there is no point in time when my real completion rate was this low. I would be surprised if my not completed rate was any higher than 1.5% at worst.

Lichess Feedback - How game completion rate is calculated.#3

No, not at all!
