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8 forum posts
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Community Blog Discussions - The Risks of Playing Chess When You Don't Want to#36

@implayingattheoffice said in #5: > this article is so stupid Bro, this article is not your mirror.

Community Blog Discussions - The Risks of Playing Chess When You Don't Want to#15

Thanks. you made me 1400 elo come back to chess. and buy a new laptop. cus i broke my 70,000 dollars pc

Community Blog Discussions - My Experience With Ratings#8

same. bro i lose from the four move mate .and win 1600s like 400s

Community Blog Discussions - Control the center!!!#12

chill, dude i know that center is 6 squares but not this. anyway good post*: .。. o(≧≦)o .。.:*

Community Blog Discussions - Help us create better chess puzzles!#12

. ok

Community Blog Discussions - The Power of Fear and How to Use It as Motivation#7

Who thinks gotham chess is the Goat vote here.

Community Blog Discussions - The Power of Fear and How to Use It as Motivation#3

This had also also happed to me. When i was 8 years old and 400 elo i did not take chess serious, but one day i scrolling through shorts i found THE GOAT gotham chess. I learned the 4 move mate, Oppos…
