
Search "user:fastlearner50"

302 forum posts
Game analysis - Philidor defense - brief victory#9

@Pandukht Philidor can roll over in his grave, but this actually works quite well: 2/0/0 18 ACL.

Game analysis - Any advice?#2

Black made too many mistakes. Nice move missed here was 15. b6, then much easier win.

Game analysis - Fun with Stockfish engine games#1

It really there is no fun in games against Stokfish under AI level 6, it simply makes too much blunders. These are some funny games I played against it. Feel free to add your own in this thread. AI le…

Game analysis - 0-0#!#2

@Donaldsen Ah, all started with "witch-hunt"! My favorite "sport" against SF lower levels... :) And as a bonus - briliant checkmate by castling!

Game analysis - i beat Stockfish AI level 7 in blitz #11

@ShootingStar34 #7 Because this is one of the oldest classical attacks on the castle in chess. Nothing fancy, but SF failed here miserably!

Game analysis - i beat Stockfish AI level 7 in blitz #9

@TheRazor01 SF on AI level 6 here on Lichess actually plays quite consistently and I can beat him only if I focus on the game 100% - even slightly mistake is punished immediately... But it is actually…

Game analysis - i beat Stockfish AI level 7 in blitz #4

Incredible... SF on Lichess AI level 7 completely ignored classical checkmate pattern attack with sacrific for material gain? What again is goal in chess: checkmate or material gain? :) This maybe a b…

General Chess Discussion - Would be Tal be flaged as cheater on Lichess?#23

@Toadofsky #21 Key sentences from the video clip: "You don't know what anybody dealing with, their "demons" (pobably means problems) in their lives, righ? Be kind, because you can't rewind." He also s…

General Chess Discussion - If you are 2400+ ELO ... you deserve to know THE TRUTH#33

@Stone_Horse How about this? r4rk1/pp3ppp/2p2nn1/8/8/5BB1/PPP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1 Anyway, change any position whatever you want.

General Chess Discussion - If you are 2400+ ELO ... you deserve to know THE TRUTH#30

@Stone_Horse FEN: r3r1k1/p2pnppp/2p2n2/8/2B5/4B3/PPP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0 How about something as this? Is this "drawish" enough for you? Material is the same. I cannot find any more "equal position" as…
