
Search "user:bizdev"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - iPad buttons not working#3

Thanks for the suggestion, I don’t honk it was a configuration issue. The problems went away when I upgraded iOS

Lichess Feedback - iPad buttons not working#1

There are certain links that don’t work on my iPad app. Resigning for instance. Is this a known issue? Thanks

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Advanced Search by Centipawn Loss#1

Is it possible please to add a feature to the advanced search page? I would like to be able to find the games where I have the highest and the lowest centipawn loss for analysis purposes. Can you help…

Game analysis - isn't this a Therotical Draw#9

I haven't looked into Chess programming for a few decades when David Levy was the guru, sounds like it has come on a lot since then. Thanks for the tutorial.

Game analysis - At what point should you resign?#1

I've been looking at the analysis of this game I played yesterday. I was outplayed and steadily in a worse position. My opponent was ranked marginally lower than…

Game analysis - I passed the 2000 mark!#4

Yes I agree, not only a nice mate, but also great tactics in the run up to it.

Game analysis - isn't this a Therotical Draw#7

This is a very interesting thread. Does the Stockfish engine work out its analysis based on perfect play for both players? And then take the value closest to zero?
