
Search "user:UncleVinny"

65 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How long does it take to "get good"?#62

Very strange that neither the short write-up nor the ReadMe on github specify which time control was used for this research. Would the results change? Maybe @jcw024 can comment. I generally assume rap…

General Chess Discussion - Attempts of the longest chess game possible: Part 1#2

I think lichess has a limit, only games of 300 moves or less are allowed. If you try to play longer, the system declares it a draw.

Off-Topic Discussion - Who is your favourite cricketer#14

@Vegemite_Fighter my favorite is the player who appears ~halfway through this short video:

General Chess Discussion - Anonymous GM wins Titled Arena, again. (...and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov!)#26

Is berzerking exclusive to lichess? I thought I remembered seeing it in ancient Kingscrusher videos, back when he played on ... redhotpawn or some such? Ah, or chesscube. I guess chesscube isn't opera…

Off-Topic Discussion - A question related to morality 2.0#12

I looked it up in US federal law, where it says that: * Murder shall be punished by life imprisonment or death. * Manslaughter (impulsive (no more than …

Off-Topic Discussion - Which is the largest finite number in MATHS#46

This conversation is missing a reference to Transfinite Numbers, which are: > those that are "infinite" in the sense that they are larger than all finite numbers, yet not necessarily absolutely infini…

Off-Topic Discussion - your most scathing insult for an adversary#11

"Your mother, the sprawling heifer" is the most badass way of saying "yo mama so fat" ever. (Taken from @GilgameshTweets on Twitter.)

Off-Topic Discussion - How do you wanna die?#43

@Vegemite_Fighter is that Richard Gere pretending to be under 40 years old?

Off-Topic Discussion - How do you wanna die?#39

The hero dies once, the coward dies a thousand times.

Lichess Feedback - practice error, "effect", not "affect"#10

@Doofenshmirtz Claiming it's "not at all opaque" is one toke over the line. Most native English speakers get "affect" and "effect" confused, even if they know that less-common definition of "effect" -…
